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ratguy-nico · 1 year ago
2# Father of the Bob
And this is a perfect example of a great episode beyond a holiday special episode (I didn’t even realized that it was a christmas special until I read the series wiki)
The episode gets me since minute one. Since the very first scene I knew this episode would be it. And is just that this first scene is devastating, seeing how Big Bob demerit Bob’s efforts and ideas, he doesn’t even take a moment to think about how this hurts Bob, it’s not important, is not a moment that would mark Bob for life, is just another day. It makes me sick.
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Then I saw the 15 minutes rule, and it reminded me so much of my own relationship with my grandma that Big Bob became immediately a villain in my head, some hurtful man who didn’t care about his son, but oh boy if I was wrong.
Big Bob is not a villain, is not a bad man, he’s just a very imperfect dad. Because yeah (for me) Big Bob is not a good dad, not a bad dad either, and I get this for others episodes as well.
Big Bob wasn’t a great dad, he loves Bob of course, but he also hurt him deeply over the years and since a young age, but how the serie deal with this is what amazed me. Big Bob in this moment of his life, where he thinks he already lost his son, is still trying to change, which is huge for me.
Big Bob, even if at first didn't wanted to admit it, understand why Junior go, why they couldn’t work together and finally recognize that he made things in the wrong way, and he is indeed trying to change and be more accesible and communicative, we see more of this in further episodes. But he doesn’t do this expecting for Bob to go back, he does it because is the right thing to do, is what needs to be done.
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I’m not trying to say Bob wasn’t also in the wrong, cause he was, but he’s the one to extend the branch of olive and he does it in the best way possible.
Who knew this man could actually communicate his feelings in such an on point way. Damn.
And know that we are in this scene and I have to clarify this next part is my brain looking too deep into things. (pls bare with me)
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For me this whole scene in Pete’s Gay Bar alludes not only to Bob’s burgers ideas or him running away from Big Bob's Dinner, but is also about his sexuality (and maybe even his autism).
Bob can not believe his father is just so comfortable in this kind of place, surrounding by people that are just like Bob, this parts that Bob always thought his father couldn’t accept, this parts of him he couldn’t even voice out loud himself. Cause in this scene is obvious they both know, but they just don't talk about it. Bob assumes Big Bob will never accept it and Big Bob try to not mention it cause he doesn’t get it, but he wants to get it, want to understand, but he doesn’t tell Junior any of this, maybe under the assumption that Junior doesn’t even care cause it just too late.
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The line “You have weird and happy kids” broke me. Big Bob knows as well as Bob that the kids are different, neurodivergent, but don’t have the knowledge to refer properly about it. Big Bob accepting the fact that the kids are weird but still amazing and, most important, happy as they are, close the circle of him rejecting his son in the past for being weird and ungrateful (not happy) and for the cherish on the top he says “You are a good dad” cause yeah Bob is certainly doing it better than him at the past.
I really love this episode so much, maybe even more that the actual Top 1 but for now here it is. Is a complex episode, that I could see over and over and still think more about it.
I love how passive-aggressive Linda is with Big Bob, she really wants for him and Bob to have a good relationship and she forced as she does with her own parents. But in this and other episodes is clear that she doesn't forgive Big Bob for all the things he put Bob trough.
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The kids are the glue on the episode. With their innocence and naivety in the matter they get to bring the family together. They don’t get why their dad doesn't like Pop Pop but they don’t really care, they like their Grandpa and that’s what matters.
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I kind of ship Big Bob and Pete, there it is I said it. Leave me alone. This destroy all my discourse but I just love the idea of Big Bob finding love again and in this man that obviously support him and like him the way he is, they get each other. Shut Up! leave alone.
Oh and "Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger" is so special to me, I'm just waiting for the right moment to cook it, is like one of my dreams in real life.
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whimsicalcotton · 7 months ago
Max: yeah no one really likes me haha i don't really have friends at blackwell
Kate & Warren: [so astronomically worried about her that it transcends the timeline resetting]
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jonahs-arks · 30 days ago
Something for Genesis in Rockwell's Offer :]
If any context for certain scenes is needed, please ask me; because there are references to things/events that I have yet to inform you, my Tumblrinas, about.
Brandon awoke. It was late in the morning. He blinked his bleary eyes and sniffed the air, not smelling his two friends nearby.
Must be out gathering resources.
He slowly got out of his nest, his back popping in several different places as he did so.
He finished his morning routine before spotting a nearby drop; it was a cyan colour this time. They've noticed a pattern with the drop colours determining what resources are outside of the ship. They haven't found out what this colour brings, yet, so Brandon decides he should go check it out.
Before he departs to the bridges that lead to the outside of the ship, he leaves a note saying where he's at if they return and need him for anything. He snatches a pickaxe and hoists it on his belt; right next to his trusted pistol.
He decided his Maewing, Milkboy, would be a good mount; it wasn't too far of a travel anyways, and they were quite a fast mount.
The short trip was a pretty one; the artificial sunrise was always quite nice, especially with the stars outside still shining through just enough.
When they arrived, Brandon patted Milkboy on the head and told them to stay put just outside one of the bridge tunnels. His Maewing did as he said, and he entered the tunnel.
An odd feeling crept upon him as he got closer to the bridges. He shrugged it off; he always got anxious on the bridges, afraid of floating away into space or something.
He was finally at the TEK bridge; able to see the TEK veil that separated space from the rings.
A strange, yet familiar, light ringing started in his ears; followed by alluring whispers.
Brandon wearily looked behind him, the feeling of being watched dreading upon him. Nothing was there, of course, but the feeling didn't leave.
As he stepped closer to the TEK veil, he saw the new environment: a mystical fog with a pretty light-blue hue, light grey and blue rocks that wielded the resource he was here to find.. which looked strangely familiar..
Brandon's head started to hurt.
He put one of his hands to his head, rubbing his temples.
That damned ringing hasn't quit, yet..
He sighed and decided to step through the holographic veil, deciding that he could get whatever the resource was from the closest rock, then get out of here.
As soon as he was on the other side, his headache turned into a horrible migraine; the ringing got worse; the whispers got louder. It was starting to get overwhelming.
Just as Brandon was about to turn around and leave, a horrible voice he was all too intimate with pierced his skull.
Lovely to see that you came crawling back to me~ Though, I knew you would return eventually.
Horrible shivers went through Brandon. He felt sick.
He shouldn't be here alone. He regrets coming.
He felt too overwhelmed to move.
You know, Urvogel, I harbour no hard feelings towards you abandoning me back on Earth.
Brandon's gut wrenched.
"I- I didn't.. mean to... you-"
You can always come back to me. Join me on the other ring, I've made it into quite the place! I think you would enjoy it. Just step onto that adjacent bridge, and we can be one again, dear Brandon.
A small part in the back of Brandon's mind considered it.
Maybe things will be better than last time..
But he buried that thought as he heard a light, echoing chuckle in his head. They were over. Eve talked him through this.
That didn't stop the tears from coming, though. No amount of talking has truly made him get over it. He missed that horrible "relationship" they had together. But, he knew it wasn't healthy.
Brandon groaned as the whispering in his ears grew more intense, along with that damned ringing. Nausea started kicking in. He hated this shit so much; he used to be used to it, having dealt with all of this during and after those.. sessions.
He gritted his teeth. He started to feel overstimulated with all of the auditory stimulation, along with the fact that he can smell the Edmundium in those rocks now.
Brandon sighed and put his clawed hands to his temples; trying to lessen the migraine. He regrets coming here...
What ever is the matter, Urvogel? I thought you were missing me. Now you want to turn back? Leave me again, hm?
"I.. I never left you, Ed." His throat started to get tight.
There was a low rumble in his head; it.. hurt...
Well, you certainly did not make a swift effort to return to me...
Brandon couldn't say it. He couldn't say that it was, in fact, Rockwell who left him behind. Being left for dead so Rockwell could save himself when Eve came.
That horrid whispering got more intense.
A broken sob left Brandon, and he covered his ears.
Oh, my poor, dear Brandon... he cooed.
Brandon could fucking taste the incoming deception. He knows that tone of voice all too well.
Return to me; I can give you everything you want. I can fix you. I can fill that empty void. We can be one again, my dear.
All of it, Brandon knew, was fucking bullshit. He's been told that same shit far too many times to fall for it again.
He uncovered his ears and balled his fists.
God, his throat and chest hurt so fucking much.
"We..... we're done. There... there is no 'we'.. there hasn't been a 'we' in so fucking long.... 'We' are done."
There was a blissful silence.
The whispering, the ringing, the nausea; all of it, gone.
It felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders...
He had to leave while he could.
Brandon turned around; the bridge was only a couple of metres away. He could reach it in time.
He used his tail to propel himself to the bridge faster; but, as soon as he reached the veil, everything came rushing back.
The horrid ringing, the whispering, the nausea; all of it came back tenfold, making Brandon yell out.
Who are you to decide that we are 'done', Brandon Urvogel?
His tone was full of venom.
We are not 'done' here; not until I say so.
Brandon went through the veil, not wanting to listen to any more of that horrible voice.
He hit the TEK floor, hard.
He didn't want to move. His head was pounding, and he felt sick.
The dreadful noise was muffled, but the ringing and whispers could still be heard; along with Rockwell's faint voice yelling at Brandon to return to him.
He had to get up. He had to leave.
He struggled to get up and move; he felt so tired and every bit of movement made him sick.
He finally got to his feet after struggling for a bit. He used a nearby pillar for support.
As he slowly made his way out of the bridge, he could hear faint "GET BACK HERE"s and "DON'T LEAVE ME"s. But he wasn't going to fall for that again. Back on Earth, sure; but not now, nor ever again.
As he reached the end of the tunnel, Brandon shielded his eyes from the bright, artificial sun.
He still felt sick and exhausted; tears still falling down his face.
Why does his heart ache, even though he just did the most freeing thing in the world?
He couldn't continue pondering on his conflicting feelings for too much longer, though. As soon as Brandon entered his Maewing's line of sight, they came rushing over to him; knowing something was wrong.
Brandon patted Milkboy on the side to tell them that he wasn't injured or anything.
He struggled to get on the Maewing's saddle, but, with Milkboy's help, he got up there eventually.
Brandon just sort of lied up there for a bit, needing the break. His legs ached, even though he didn't really do anything. Hell, his whole body ached.
After a couple of minutes, he patted Milkboy to tell them to head towards home.
They knew not to glide home; that could end badly with how Brandon was feeling. He looked like a wreck. The tears on his puffy face were dried by now, but he looked awful.
All Brandon could think about the whole trip was that he was free. They are done now.
It hurt, though...
He couldn't stop that voice in the back of his head from telling him that he abandoned his partner; that maybe things actually were going to be better this time.
But he can't keep giving Rockwell the benefit of the doubt, every single time he's tried that, nothing good ever came of it.
He just had to stop giving Rockwell anything. Had to stop thinking about him. Had to stop depending on him.
He might not ever get over it, but he was free, and that's all that mattered now. His heart might ache for a long while, but at least it was free from that malignant infection of a man.
Everything will be fine..
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sugarlywhispers · 4 months ago
b.katsuki x reader (fem) | quirkless!reader, prohero!dynamight
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"For the love of–... I'M COMING!"
It's Sunday morning. You have been expecting this day to wake up maybe mid-morning, with the gentle warm breeze coming from your open window; have an exquisite brunch that you have been planning and craving since Friday; maybe watch an episode or two of your favorite show before preparing a full spa day, with a long and refreshing bath included. That's how you have planned your Sunday to go.
But no… Apparently, someone's intention was to ruin the whole day for you while their knocks on your door were persistent and annoying at 6 freaking a.m.
You don't think about what you're wearing before stumbling towards the door, with the loud BANGS still sounding. You think of your poor neighbors next door and their newborn baby.
"This little shit," you protest, completely annoyed with this person knocking on your door like someone has died. "Someone better be dead or else…" You open the door in one strong pull and huff utterly annoyed when you encounter the person behind.
Vermillion eyes collide with yours, the intense hate and annoyance so palpable in the air it almost cuts you both.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
He tchs, rolling his eyes at you. The bile travels up through your esophagus, and you want to spit at him.
"Save the greetings, if you know what a decent greeting means… Well, considering how well you just did it, I doubt you fuckin’ know…"
The muscle at your temple twitches so hard, you believe he is actually able to see it. That would explain his upcoming smirk.
"The fuck do you want?" You repeat, not even caring or taking the time to follow this banter with him. You would normally do it, come back at him with a snarky response that would probably hurt his ego and he would answer back making you even angrier, and yada yada, nothing new to this ‘hate x hate’ relationship you had with this man in front of you. But today is not a day you planned on dealing with Bakugou-annoying ass-Katsuki.
He looks down at his hands, his fingers fidgeting a bit with the buttons on his all-black suit jacket you just now noticed he is wearing. Interesting; he never uses formal suits like this one if it isn't for a Hero Gala, and that was only once a year. Or that one time you remember he had to apologize to citizens through a TV interview with Deku because of a villain attack in Hokkaido they couldn't quite contain on time and caused a lot of material damage. You shake your head coming back to the present. Pro Hero Dynamight, a.k.a. Bakugou-annoying ass-Katsuki is standing right at your door, looking a bit nervous while playing with the buttons of his jacket, furrowing his eyebrows like he is angry even at the air he breathes.
You could have expected anything from this unpredictable man who infuriated you almost twenty-four hours a day, the seven days of the whole week. However, you were not expecting at all the words that come from his mouth after he looks up again and his eyes lock with yours.
"Fucking marry me."
Your eyes open wide. And the only thing you think of doing is punching him. And you do.
Your hands close in tight fists, and before saying anything, you punch his shoulder as strongly as you can with one. You know for sure your small and useless fist won't do any damage to this hulk of a man, but the meaning behind it it's what matters.
He simply looks at you in disbelief. "Ouch?" He smirks. He fucking smirks at you, and this time you punch his stomach, which does make him grunt and hover a bit in pain.
You attempt to close the door right at his face, but he suddenly pushes it with his hand and makes you waver a bit back, holding yourself on the door handle. He stands straight again, retrieving his hand from the door when he realizes he used more force than intended to prevent you from closing the door.
"I- umm- Shit, sorry, I didn't-..." 
You raise a hand to stop him from talking.
"Just fucking tell me what you want, so I can go back to bed and not see your ugly face for the rest of my day."
You watch in satisfaction how his face contours into full rage. And this time you smirk. 
"I fucking hate you…" He spits, and you bat your lashes at him while smiling.
"Ah, the feeling is mutual, baby."
Bakugou takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and holding himself on the door frame with strength. You're sure his hand shape will print on it, and you get more annoyed –if that's possible, but you have already learned that when Bakugou was involved, the anger was immeasurable– thinking that you will have to hire someone to fix that.
"I fucking hate you," he repeats through his teeth with his eyes still closed, but then he opens them, and his entire face changes into something you never expected to see. He looks at you, begging, "But I need you to marry me."
You look… perplexed. Again, never in your life have you ever come across the thought that those words would ever come from the man in front of you, much less towards you.
You open your mouth to say something, but the neighbor from the apartment in front of yours opens his door, standing there with his arms crossed and looking menacingly.
"Everything okay, Y/N?" His deep baritone voice asks. Bakugou turns his head and when he sees him, stands straight, head held high and you can imagine the type of defying expression on his face.
You roll your eyes. Men.
"Yes, Arisu, everything is fine. He's… a… friend," the word stung your tongue because you couldn't consider Bakugou that, even though you shared the same group of friends. But it wouldn't have been good having these two fight over something you still didn't understand what was happening; the thought of who of these two hulk men would win still was entertaining to think about. Your money was on Arisu, of course.
"Alrigh’," Arisu says, looking at Bakugou up and down before retrieving himself back into his apartment.
"The fuck this fucking extra-..." You stop Bakugou from turning and going towards Arisu by holding his arm and pulling him towards you.
"Stop it. Come inside," you demand, pulling him as he watches your hand around his bicep, "before any of my neighbors file a complaint against me thanks to your fucking loud mouth."
Bakugou grunts at your words as he lets you pull him inside. When you close the door and turn to him, you realize how big he looks in your small apartment, where there is barely space between the living room and the kitchen and two doors, one leads to your bedroom and the other to the bathroom. You want to laugh at how uncomfortable he looks.
You take a deep breath, scratching your forehead to regain a bit of patience –which was non-existent whenever Bakugou was around.
"Okay, now, explain to me what the hell is wrong with you."
"Nothing is wrong with me. More like what's wrong with you and this small thing you call apartment… When did you-..."
"Bakugou! I didn't invite you in for you to start insulting my living space!" You say more exasperated by every second he is in there. "Tell me what the hell happened to you! Why did you come here, almost tearing down the door of my place at 6 in the fucking morning, annoying even my neighbors, and then you fucking propose out of nowhere!"
His lips are held in a tight line as he watches you almost yell at him, hands opening and closing anxiously. There is silence for a couple of minutes before he says, "My father died."
You gasp, taking a step back. Wow. That's something you were not expecting at all. You get now why the black suit. And now that you look at him better, his eyes look glassy and reddish –probably thanks to how much he's holding himself back from showing any other emotion that isn't anger. And that's… sad.
Your arms immediately hug yourself, one hand settling over your chest. "I- I'm sorry…"
"Don't be," he turns a bit to the left, facing the kitchen to avoid looking at you. "Fucker was a right pain in the ass."
You choke on the laugh that almost escapes you at his words, and after you clear your throat you murmur, "Sorry." He looks at you a bit amused, the right corner of his mouth lifted a bit at your reaction.
You sigh again after a few seconds of silence, "Bakugou, what does that have to do with you asking me to-...”
"My great-grandparents are-were the funders and CEOs of TCA Technologies Corp.," your eyes open wide at the name of the prestigious company that had been ground-breaking in the creation and use of robots, before being the number one seller of technology materials to support heroes. They were high class in society, civilians and heroes. "Yeah, that's the face every extra makes," he smirks when you stick your tongue out at him.
He then looks at you up and down and immediately looks away, clearing his throat in a clear gesture of shyness. You frown confused.
"Fucking go put some clothes on."
That's when you remember you had no pants, no bra, and an old shirt that barely covered your panties. Fuck. You almost run towards your room to get changed. All of this had to be a dream… or a nightmare.
Your Sunday was entirely ruined. You know that for sure.
After you change to decent, more covered clothing, leggings and a big shirt that almost reached your knees –it is Sunday, dammit, and the hell you are gonna dress up for Bakugou Katsuki– you walk again towards the living room where you left said asshole waiting for you there. He is now sitting on your couch, his suit jacket lying over the back of it. His elbows are resting over his knees, his hands holding his head. You have never encountered a tired Bakugou, yet here he is. Looking beaten and down.
He looks up at you when he hears you approach him; his eyes are more reddish than before, kind of like when you want to cry but don't let yourself do it. That made you feel bad for thinking about him as an asshole.
"What took you so long, short-legs? Whatever you wear, you'll still stink and look ugly on it."
Nope. He is and will always be a stupid asshole.
You roll your eyes grunting as you let yourself fall on the couch, as far away from him as you can on that three-people couch, crossing your legs under you.
"Spit it out, asshole. What's all this about?"
He sighs, "My father inherited it all after my grandfather died. His whole life had been that stupid company, his and my mother's. I don't give a fuck about it, but the old hack insists that I- ow!"
You pinch him on the shoulder this time, knowing very well that if you had punched him he wouldn't have felt anything. But pinching… he did feel that.
"What the fuck was that for?!"
"Don't call your mom like that, idiot!"
"Fucking piss off, you know shit! The old hack is an old hack, she deserves the title."
You shake your head in disagreement but decide to leave that topic there considering how affected he looks by it.
"The old hack said," he simply repeats that to spite you, and you really want to punch him, "that I need to step up and be fucking CEO of that bullshit, or…"
He looks at you, and you gulp, kind of understanding where this is going.
"Or get married." You finish the sentence, crossing your arms over your chest, "But why? Those two options are completely different from one another."
"The sky will fucking fall the day I understand any-fucking-thing that comes out of her mouth. She's nuts!" He protests, arms exaggerating his words as he opens them wide, evidently showing how much stress he has, before laying back on the couch, head resting over the back of it where his jacket is. He sighs long and deeply before talking again, "My great-grandmother had a strong Quirk, but she decided to stay at home instead of being a Hero. Those were other times, ya'know?"
"I know History of Heroes, Bakugou. I'm not stupid."
He looks at you again, this time genuinely surprised, "I, umm, thought you-..."
"Have you ever thought that despite not having a Quirk, I know about heroes?"
He tchs, "No wonder why you and shitty Deku are such shitty nerds."
You roll your eyes for the eleventh time that morning, "Get to the point, shitty asshole."
Bakugou scoffs, clearly holding back a retort to answer back, then he continues, "I'm the first in generations with a strong, hero-level Quirk. Most of my family had decided to live as civilians, building this stupid company from generation to generation."
"Oh, and you are the first actual Hero in the family. You are the first one to choose differently…"
He nods in response, "It almost gave my grandfather a heart attack. Ever since my Quirk woke up, I knew what I wanted," he looks back at you, and for the first time, you admit to yourself that you're curious of knowing what he wants, what goes through his head, so you nod allowing him to continue, "I want to be a Number One Hero. I want to kick villains' asses as much and as hard as I can for as long as my stupid aging bones allow me to."
The intensity in his eyes and conviction in every word he spoke made you feel his passion. And that was… new.
"But to be that, I can't afford to waste time in falling in love and all that bullshit…"
"Then say no to your mom and the company," you offer as a solution. He snorts letting his head fall back against the couch.
"You know shit…" He shakes his head, "There's a requirement in every hero company, it says that a familiar, or a spouse if the hero is married, has to validate your mental sanity alongside a doctor to keep working as a Hero."
"I… didn't know that."
"Of course not, short-legs. You're not a hero, why would you know?"
"So, if I… If we get married-..." he nods in confirmation even before you say the words. But he says them.
"The old hag won't have to validate my status as Hero anymore, and she won't have anything to hold me back from sending her and the company to hell."
You looked serious at him, "Bakugou, you and I don't like each other. You hate me and I hate you. And you want to put your Hero status in my hands by marrying me?" You say in disbelief, almost anxious about the whole meaning of this. You stand up and walk from one side to the other as you keep talking, "Why? Because your inner kid is in rebellious tantrum mode and does not want to take the responsibility to-..."
"Shut the fuck up! You. Know. Shit!" He also stood up, shortening the distance between you two in the small living room.
"Then tell me! Explain it to me! Cause to me you only sound like a spoiled brat who doesn't want his veggies for lunch."
He looks you right in the eye, hands almost trembling in fists beside his body, and then he drops the bomb.
"My mother killed my grandfather."
You recoil a step back, "What?"
He sighs, hands and fingers running through his hair, clearly uncomfortable, "I-... There is no proof, no solid proof about it. I just- I know it was her." Again, the conviction in his eyes made you believe him. "My mother wanted the money, the luxury life being with my dad could bring her. But my dad had a brother, an older brother."
Bakugou simply shakes his head, "The idiot got himself in between a shooting from two villain groups. He was shot only once, and it killed him. A fucking looser…" 
You try, you really tried not to smile but failed miserably. "You are the idiot," you say fighting back the chuckle.
He smiles back, "No, I got shot several times, I even got thrown at and through walls, and I'm very much fucking alive. I'm no weak ass looser as him."
You can't stop laughing, Bakugou definitely is an idiot.
He waits until you're done laughing before continuing, "Even then, my grandfather didn't think my dad was capable of handling the company and all it meant, so he was thinking about giving it to one of his nephews. That's when, I fuckin’ know, my mother took matters into her own hands. I'm an only child. If I say no…"
"The company has to go to another familiar..." Everything washes clear now in your head, “And your mom won't allow that to happen. So she’ll lie and say you aren’t sane enough to keep working as a hero,” Bakugou keeps nodding, confirming everything you’re saying.
“That way, I’m obligated to work at the company.”
Your hand travels from your forehead and brushes your hair back. “She wouldn’t that… She’s your mom, Bakugou...”
“Haven’t you heard a fucking thing I said? She fucking killed my grandfather so the company was legally inherited by my father! Therefore, she could hold all the rights, all the stupid money! My father was a fucking dimwit who believed every-fucking-thing my mother said. She controlled him as she pleased.”
You gasp as another realization hits you, “That’s why you are an asshole to her…”
“She can fool anyone, but not me.” He declares, standing tall and proud. “I have never played her game, and I fuckin’ never will.”
You hug yourself once more, taking some minutes to assimilate all the confessions he just dropped on you. Everything feels like a script of a freaking movie or something. And there are too many questions you want to ask. But there’s only one thing you mostly don’t understand and you need the answer to.
So you look back at him, head tilting up a bit due to the height difference between you, and ask, “Why me?”
Bakugou does not hesitate in his answer. 
“You’re strong, despite not having a Quirk. And smart. You don’t let anyone dictate what you can or cannot do,” he takes a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours, “You have never backed down from a discussion, with me or anyone else. You don’t let anybody step on you, holding tight to your convictions and beliefs.”
You visibly gulp, feeling a little warmth in your cheeks that makes you want to look elsewhere, but you don't. You hold the connection between your eyes like dear life. And he smiles, the left corner of his mouth raising a bit.
“You have a fuckin’ strong character, you won't even shy down from me,” you suddenly feel the back of his index finger caress the right side of your jaw, where lays an old scar he perfectly recognized.
It was the scar he accidentally left when you were younger, stupider. He had picked a fight with another newbie hero –another asshole in your opinion– who kept talking shit about his other newbie hero friends. Bakugou had snapped when the guy mocked the word “whore” towards you. You have tried to separate them, earning yourself a punch on the right side of your face by this same man that has touched the reminder of that old memory.
“But above all that…” It’s his turn to gulp, eyes going up and down through your face. Is he… Is he looking at your lips? “You are kind. You care about everyone. You always try to solve everything for everyone –that’s fuckin’ annoying actually.”
You open your mouth to swear at him, stupid asshole; but he doesn’t give you time to say anything. “What I’m trying to fuckin’ say is–” he takes a deep breath, “You are… good. A good person. And you… You understand m- us.”
Was he going to say ‘me’? By ‘us’, you know he means heroes.
Your parents had been heroes before they died. Unfortunately, you were born Quirkless, so the dream of following your parents' path was decided the same day you were welcomed into this world. You have already made peace with this idea, it didn’t hurt like it used to when you were young. Despite not having a Quirk, you specialized in Quirk and training analysis, which granted you a job that most Hero Agencies wanted you for. Hence also how now your group of friends involved all heroes.
However, one thing is working with them, working with Bakugou Katsuki, a.k.a. Pro Hero Dynamight, who was the biggest pain in your ass you have ever had since the day you met him. Another completely different is actually marrying the pain in your ass.
You sigh, “I don’t–...”
“What? You want me to fuckin’ beg? ‘Cause I fuckin’ will…” Bakugou takes a step back and literally kneels before you. You protest, grabbing his forearm and pulling him back up, but he doesn’t let you move him even a millimeter. “What do you want? Whatever you want is yours. We can even sign a dam contract if you so want, I don’t fuckin’ care what it is. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”
“This is not a fucking joke, Bakugou. You are asking me to marry you. What if I have a boyfriend? You didn’t even fucking ask!”
His eyes open wide, surprised. “Do you?”
You roll your eyes, releasing an exasperated sigh. “No! I don’t!”
“Then, what are you bitching about?”
You groan. “I’m bitching about the fact that I don’t know why would you put a whole big deal on me when we hate each other!”
“I trust you.”
It’s a short answer, his expression is even so neutral and sure that leaves you perplexed. Surprised at how easily he said those words.
“We don’t like each other…”
“I don’t need to like you to trust you, idiot.” It feels like he’s mocking you, but one look into his eyes and what he is saying actually feels right. He is completely sure of what he is saying. “I would even fuckin’ trust you with my life.”
He already does. Every day, at work.
Still, you can’t pass the opportunity to piss him off. “Wow. That’s deep, buddy.”
“Fuck you.”
Mission accomplished.
You laugh gently, looking at him still kneeling on the floor of your living room. The sight in itself is a miracle. A sight you won't get to see ever again from this man. But it’s not the image of his kneeling position that makes you take the decision.
It’s his eyes.
They are screaming, desperately begging for you to help him. And, damn it, he is right; you always are at the disposal of everyone when they need your help. Fuck! It is actually very annoying –but you will never admit that out loud, especially not to him.
You close your eyes, head tilting back, and take a long, deep breath.
You are so going to regret this.
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
Bakugou Katsuki immediately stands up and practically throws himself at you, his whole hulk of a body surrounding you in what you have never thought would ever happen between you two: a hug.
Are you though?
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yanderefarm · 5 months ago
yandere vampire's pet
cw;; dehumanization?, blood, vampires, humans as pets, yandere, angst, suggestive
this is the last named and drawn oc i have ready. i still have two more concepts in my drafts but they're not finished yet.
this might not show his yandere tendencies as well as characters like ares or emil but he's more of a self destructive type. he's more likely to hurt himself for doing something wrong than he is likely to hurt someone for touching you.
also i had to include the vampire guilt and angst im only human (human with a guilt kink)
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you're a vampire lord in a world run by vampires with a yandere human pet who you found in a run down human farm after he basically threw himself at you. who clung to your leg and insisted he tasted so sweet you wouldn't regret taking in. who you took pity on seeing his scarred neck and decided to take him with you home.
you fed him and brought him to full health in a year. on the anniversary he begged on his knees for you to make him your pet. you complied. you didn't expect the preservation procedure that would allow him to stay with you forever to mess up his brain. or maybe this was always his personality.
he begged you every day to feed on him. he would sneak into your bed chamber and cut his neck to wake you up. he would sit himself in your lap around noon and undo his shirt buttons to give you easy access. if you dared to refuse him he would cry and beg so pathetically.
you made him this way why didn't you want him? he would often cry until you feel guilty for destroying his humanity. you always gave into him. he always got clingier. he tried not to get in your way during work but one day you let him lay his head on your lap and sit in your office quietly all day. so you had to let him again the next day.
if he really pushed too far you would lock him in an old attic room. oh how he sobbed. you would open the door the next day to be met with his bloodshot eyes that held no light. he would kiss your shoes and cling to your legs while he spoke hoarse apologies. you always forgave him and carried him in your arms to eat breakfast.
on the occasions that you two went to a party held by your fellow vampire lords he would always try to show off. you'd buy him new clothes and a new ribbon to hide his old scars. he liked being the most beautiful arm candy for you. it wasn't unusual for high quality pets to get passed around at these parties. at the end of the night he would often find himself in a strange bed, dizzy from being bled and pathetically crying for you.
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your dear pet had spent the whole night being ravaged while you were doing business. his naked and used body laying in the unfamiliar bed, barely conscious. you sighed as you sunk onto the bed, your added weight causing him to shift slightly but he made no noise. usually by now he would be sobbing and reaching wildly for you, those degenerates must have really worked him hard.
you reached out and played with a piece of his hair. "I'm sorry, you poor pathetic creature."
your cold lifeless hands gently brush against his warm cheek. his body finally shifts a little, instinctively pulling away from the cold. you can't help the sad smile that falls on your lips seeing that. you forget how cold you are with how he clings to you at every opportunity. you can smell his blood right now and the tug of your instincts tells you to feed. you forget that you're a monster with how he treats you with such adoration and reverence.
"your life would have been better if you never met me." you push his hair away from his neck, revealing the old scars with fresh wounds scattered among them. your fingers brush against his pulse and he gasps.
you watch his olive eyes blink open slowly, they look almost too heavy to open. you want to gently close them like one would a corpse but the wide smile that spreads across his face stops you. if your heart could still beat you're sure it would have skipped.
"good morning." you said softly.
he used all his remaining strength to wrap around your waist. "y/n..."
his voice is so hoarse and he sounds so exhausted but there's the undeniable happiness. you guide his head to your lap, cold fingers twirling around his hair again.
"was i good...?" his eyes blinked slow again.
"yes. you were so amazing again tonight." you felt the weight of guilt pressing against your chest.
"reward m'...~" you knew he was asking you to indulge in him as so many others had tonight so you just ignored him.
you gently gathered him up in your arms, the top sheet draping over his body. you grabbed his discarded ribbon off the bed before you began carrying him out. the ribbon was sat on his stomach and his weak hands fiddled with it idly. he seemed to be too deep in thought to let sleep overtake him again.
"master... 'm glad you made me...." he nuzzled his head against your chest.
"your father made you." you corrected as you approached your carriage.
"no... y'... made m' y'r pathetic creature." his eyes finally started to close. "so glad m' life is master's.."
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pupyuj · 5 months ago
dubcon pervy! g!p gym trainer yujin who touches you on parts she’s not supposed to?🤤 you’d be bent over the equipment and she’d press her hard cock against you with her fingers ghosting right above your breasts but that’s ok cuz she’s only correcting your form, right? right??!? it goes on for many sessions but you were a bit dumb to realize her advances :( so one day as she instructs you to do a stretcg that bends you over and gives her a delicious view of your ass, she loses all self-control, pushes your head against the yoga mat, and fucks you from behind hard and nasty like a rabid dog😫she’s been restraining herself for soooo long! and poor you couldn’t do anything but take her big cock cuz she was too strong (grabbing both of your wrists behind your back) :( both of you go on fucking in different positions, on every gym equipment, nonstop. and did i mention, you were a dumb virgin :( and it only turned yujin on even more when you were crying and begging her to stop bc you were unfamiliar with this (extremely good) sensation stirring up in your stomach :((( poor reader has never even touched herself before :( and all yujin wanted to do was to corrupt you😵‍💫
this ask has been rotting in my drafts for months omg apologies 🍒 anon 😭😭💔 as always one can never go wrong with pervy yuj 🤓
[cw: dubcon.]
totally into the idea of this yujinnie here being someone you’ve actually known beforehand like maybe she’s an older sibling’s friend or smth so you feel super comfortable around her and is thus blind to anything weird she does to you 😵‍💫 bcs as far as you know that’s just who yujin is: affectionate and naturally touchy-feely with people that she knows! ofc that made it especially easy for her to get away with doing pervy things such as very very sexual comments about your body that she passed off as either jokes or ‘really specific compliments’, briefly brushing her hands against your boobs, touching your ass, etc. 🫣 and the touching doesn’t even stop outside of your one-on-one meetings! seriously, how could you be so stupid to ignore how her hand always rested so suspiciously low whenever she had an arm wrapped around your waist… she was almost disappointed that it was all too easy but you were still so pretty that she needed to fuck you 😳😳
she was hoping to slowly push you into wanting her back just so nobody can tell her shit about abusing her ‘position’ over you as this mentor figure, but one day you just showed up in a particularly skimpy outfit and that was the last straw for her! all morals out the window 😭 and it didn’t help that yujin hadn’t gotten off for days too.. it was perfect! yujinnie watching with bated breath while you were doing your cute little warm-up stretches, she didn’t care to hide her hard-on anymore because why would she?? you’ll get to see her dick in a matter of minutes anyway 🥰 but as morbidly horny yujin was, she doesn’t get to it right away! she had some manners! 😤 she helps you out with a few workouts as per usual, shares a few jokes and conversations here and there, she even showed you some pictures of her little puppy just to get you nice and comfortable… then you were finally laying on your back on a yoga mat while yujin towered above you, ‘helping’ you with some sit-ups although that wasn’t something that was in your routine before…
ah, yujinnie taking advantage of your exhaustion.. your head seemed to have taken you elsewhere bcs you rlly didn’t notice how she had fit herself in between your legs, her hard cock poking at your clothed cunt, her hands keeping your legs apart without too much pressure so you wouldn’t notice… that was until you blinked and set your eyes on yujin again.. “uhm.. unnie?” oh you were so stupid! really!? that’s all you’ll say about this extremely awkward and frankly, humiliating situation??! yujin couldn’t believe her ears, and her eyes! you didn’t make a single move to scuttle away like she expected you to!
it takes yujin a thrust of her hips for your poor instincts to finally kick in and you attempted to push her off.. only to have your wrists pinned above your head 😣 and before you knew it, your pants have been pulled down and you were taking yujin’s thick cock very painfully slowly.. she doesn’t bother to use her other hand to cover up your mouth, she needed to hear your voice.. hear how you whined and winced in pain but would moan her name at every thrust… and she likes how you got yourself to be free from her hold just to grab at her shirt and claw at her arms.. yk what she liked even more?? how you begged in tears for her to ‘wait’ and ‘slow down’ but didn’t make any attempts to push her away like before.. and ofc yujin doesn’t miss the way you’ve practically wrapped your legs around her waist—you wanted this!
if you ask me she was wayyy too ecstatic to help you with some other kind of workout 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ yujinnie practically manhandles you the entire time you fucked in that room… grabbing your waist tightly to the point she made marks on your skin with her nails then she’d aggressively push you around, making sure you’re in the perfect position to take her cock smoothly… face down, ass up, both of your hands gripping the mat for dear life while she pounds your holes… even making you gag and spit all over her fingers just to massage your clit in a way that makes you bite your lip until it bleeds… everything was painful, but it was also all just too good that you sat there and took it like the good girl yujin kept muttering that you were 😍
yujin’s big on praises for you bcs she always made sure to encourage you in your sessions but she was especially fond of you while she fucked your ass, for some reason! 🥰 so many “good girl”s and “good job”s… her praises only wanted you to be better for her ☹️☹️ so ofc you parted your own ass so she could go all out… literally thrusting into you like she will never fuck anyone ever again, biting your shoulder and drooling all over it like a dog in heat… you have never felt more accomplished in your life until yujin came inside you.. filling you up while you simultaneously squirted on her dick (which she liked very much btw!!) with a sweet moan that will surely be stuck in yujin’s head for daysss to come 😵‍💫
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mistymisfit · 7 months ago
Hounds of love
Summary: Jason wakes up from a bad dream, lucky for him he's got you to make him feel better. Based on the song Hounds of love by Kate Bush (and that post I made in april)
warnings: hurt/comfort, established relationship ,I think it's gender neutral but lmk if I missed anything.
wc: 1,5k
a/n: sorry for the --summarized-- psychoanalysis class lol (this has been in my drafts since april idk why I didn't post sooner)
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Jason had always yearned for love, any type of love he could get. Ever since he was a child, afraid and hiding in the dark cold streets of Gotham, he's always wanted to be loved- to be so full of love he wouldn't be able to take it anymore. But he's always been a coward, every time someone would get close enough he'd start fighting it, self-sabotaging as if he subconsciously knew he did not deserve it. His own father, his mom, his stepmother, Bruce, he'd been let down time and time again by the adults in his life supposed to protect him. If they couldn't give him what he wanted, love him, who could?
The dread, or rather the certainty he had over being unlovable shadowed over him, as much as he tried to push it down and pretend he didn't need it. His own biological parents left him, they never wanted him. The very people who were supposed to love him, he was their son. They brought him into this world, it was their responsibility. Then he'd say he didn't even like Bruce to begin with, who cares if he chose to adopt him? Who cared if he looked up to him so dearly once as a child? He had died under his care, Jason had almost everything he wanted and went ahead and ruined it-- all because he was too afraid to accept it, because he was too stubborn. You just had to go after him on your own, he'd blame himself.
Now he keeps having this recurring dream; he's being chased by something in some woods, and he keeps running. He wants to ask for help, he really does but his mouth won't open. Then he gets to a lake, takes his shoes off, throws them in the lake and takes two steps on the water. Some days that does it, he feels like the thing is no longer chasing him. But most days he wakes up before he can feel he's lost the thing chasing him.
Tonight he's holding a wounded fox in his hands, attacked by bigger animals, in the midst of escaping. The poor thing looks at him with kind, almost human, eyes. He feels its little heart pounding fast on its chest, the little animal feels familiar. He knows this fox from somewhere else. How else would it let him hold it? Why else would he stop running, too guilty to leave it alone? He feels ashamed of running away, but he has to. He's too scared to be there, he doesn't know what makes him so afraid to leave the poor animal on its own. None of this was real, there was nothing following him, he's never seen what's after him. So why couldn't he stay with the fox?
This night he wakes up sweating, agitated and with his heart kicking his ribs. He immediately kicks off the covers, and takes off his shirt when he feels the cotton starts to itch and stick to his skin. He knows he should try to calm himself down before he wakes you up, you had to be up in a few hours.
"Jay?" You slur, barely a whisper.
"Sorry my love," He apologizes, looking back to you rubbing your eyes "I'll go sleep on the couch"
"mmm, stay" you hum, still groggy with sleep but a hand of yours reaches out for him "bed's too cold"
He takes your hand in his before cuddling back next to you under the covers, limbs getting tangled together once again. And before he knows it he's got his head on your chest as you wrap your legs around him to keep him close.
"Where'd your shirt go?" You mumble, hands softly going across the expanse of his back.
"You complaining?" He teases to distract you and it works because you shake your head no with blushed cheeks. His hands sneaked under your clothes to hold you in a way that was almost a tradition now. He'd reach for your skin just to feel you there, to make sure you're safe and next to him and you weren't some hallucination he'd made up in his loneliness. If Jason had to he'd die and come again, crawling out of his coffin if it only meant he'd get to hold you like this one more time.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask
"About what?" He hums, too comfortable in your embrace to even be bothered with remembering what he was so stressed about.
"Why you are awake" There's a beat of silence after the sentence has come out of your mouth. The only thing that can be heard is the city's never-sleeping traffic in the distance. He doesn't want to burden you with something as measly as a dream, so what if it made him wake up in a sweat? It made no sense so he had no reason to be upset.
"Had a bad dream, wasn't really a nightmare..." He confesses after the silence." 's stupid go back to sleep"
"It's not stupid, tell me about it"
"Baby" He sighs, hoping he sounds pissed off enough for you to drop the subject.
"What? A dream can be your subconscious trying to get something you can't when you're awake"
"Mine must hate me"
"It doesn't, but it may want something youre not aware of"
"Since when do you know so much about dreams? Nerd" He teases, nuzzling his head to you. Realizing you're just as stubborn as him, he accepts defeat and tells you about his dream, "There's a thing chasing me and I'm running through some woods"
"What's the thing?" You ask
"I don't know" He scoffs, quick to dismiss it.
"Just think about it," You hike your leg higher up his waist and squeeze him closer to you if it was possible. "how did it feel?"
Tangling himself with you to the point where he can't tell where you end is where he feels like he can be vulnerable. Only when it feels like he might just become one with you he can let his guard completely down. So he sighs and takes a moment to do what you ask. He knows damn well what is after him, he's always known.
"Me, I think," He hides his face even further into your chest."my feelings"
You only hum in response, so he asks "Is it hard to love me?"
Now you understand where the dream came from. The moment he connected the thing chasing him with its meaning awoke an insecurity, something he was trying to keep buried down. So you waste no time in your reply.
"Loving someone has never come easier to me"
He finally lifts his head up, big blue eyes swelling up with tears. He looked so helpless but at the same time so full of devotion for you. He's loved, you love him, so it must mean that he can be. If he's deserving of your love, your selfless and pure love, then he's not unlovable. He kisses your jaw, and then your neck hearing a soft sigh of his name coming out of your lips. Knowing he's handed you his own heart in a silver platter, that he is yours to do as you please, Jason can rest at ease that you'd never harm him.
"Why do you ask?" You don't let yourself get distracted by his kisses.
"It's just that-" He sighs, maybe he can be vulnerable one more time with you. So he fights against the need to push you away and tries to find the right words "Don't think anyone's ever felt that with me, ever"
"Jay, your father became a henchman to provide for you," you point out, holding his face with both of your hands "Catherine raised you like her own, and believe it or not Bruce loves you, even if he's too emotionally constipated to show it"
He scoffs at that last part, blinking away the tears brimming his eyes, which, in your opinion, made them look shiny like a tainted glass panel in a church.
"Your older brother, loves you too, he calls me to see how you're doing every other week 'cause you won't answer him" You continue, "So does Alfred"
"Let's go back to sleep, okay?" He stops you; the sudden reality check is much more than what he could process at the moment. He's been so deep into his own thoughts, what he believed to be truth, that he didn't even bother to see it from a different perspective.
"You didn't even tell me what happened in your dream" You insist with a pout.
"I'll tell you tomorrow, I'm sorry I kept you up"
"I'm not" You smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips. A hand cups your cheek, making the kiss longer. You know that if he was on a better mood he would've said something along the lines of it not being a proper kiss. You giggle against his lips, and Jason just wonders how was he ever able to function without you.
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feelinmatcha · 1 year ago
description: your boyfriend tends to remind you that you're so easy to love. characters: alhaitham + scaramouche (wanderer) a/n: had this idea brewing in my drafts and decided to finish it off ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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"no, i'm not buying a book from a genre i don't even like."
that's okay, alhaitham will.
actually, the idea of giving you your own bookshelf would already be on his mind as soon as you've successfully moved in with him and kaveh. the only catch? kaveh insists that he builds it himself as a gift.
alhaitham subtly asks you of your favorite wood one evening in the kitchen over a heavy discussion of zaytun peaches that kaveh was supposed to buy earlier that morning. trust me, he already knows which wood you'd absolutely adore, but he took the precaution of asking once again just in case as he'd be quite perturbed that his plan didn't work out in the end like he intended. he wanted it to cater to you, not anyone else.
the topic drifted from zaytun peaches to the week's trending romance novel that you had finished reading a few days ago.
"haitham, you should put this on your to-be-read list!"
"really? what's the appeal, love?"
listen guys and girls, he wants to know why you'd recommend it to him!!!
give him every little detail on why!! you want him!!! out of all people!! to read it!!!
he really just wants to hear you talk about what you find interesting.
contrary to popular belief, he doesn't hate the romance genre. he just finds it... meaningless to read? the last time he gave it a try, there was no actual knowledge in it. just fictional love between fictional characters.
but of course, he would consider it if you were to suggest something. especially if the book has you running laps around the bedroom.
so he sets out on to the nearest bookstore when he's on his 'break' and purchases the same copy you had.
that night you two would be in bed, settling down for the night, and he whips it out-- his fingers spreads the pages near the ending of the book and he begins reading.
"babe... why are you reading my book?"
"no, it's my book. i bought my own so you wouldn't complain about me creasing the spine."
"but why'd you buy one?"
he side-eyes you, "you suggested the book."
"but i didn't think you'd actually... you didn't have to. i know you aren't fond of--"
"i'm fond of you, and that's enough."
"no, i don't want you starting a commotion here in public."
that's okay, scaramouche will.
he loves you with his entire heart, body, and soul.
if someone stares at you weirdly? they're already being glared down by him. if a salesperson says anything about your attire, your hair (or the absense of it), or your skin-- he's throwing himself across the stall and grabbing their shirt to bring them closer to you.
he makes them apologize.
a woman, a man, an elder, a kid-- doesn't matter. as long as they got a mouth that can yap, he's gonna shut it.
your friends would let what people say to you slide, but he won't.
it's bad enough that he feels as if he doesn't deserve you so when you start thinking of yourself as someone whose less than even the dirt and cement beneath your feet, he's angry at everyone else for letting it get this far.
"what are you talking about? they insulted you and you stood there and took it!"
you don't want to feel like a burden, like someone whose always in need of being protected.
"i'm not your friend, i'm your partner," he grits. "it's what i'm supposed to do, you idiot."
really, it's just the ideal of protecting you that's instilled within his puppet body.
poor baby does not know an ounce of romance yet he said that line so effortlessly and in a way that had you choking on your next words.
as you cling to his bicep on the dirt road, you thank him. profusely. he finds it a bit annoying.
"you need to get better friends." is all he says.
he knew what loyalty was. he practically would get on his knees for it, too. he constantly looked for that in a partner, and you had answered.
he knew loyalty was needed in friendships, as well as relationships. especially relationships.
so it unsettled him when he heard that your so-called friends brushed off the verbal assaults directed to you and had the audacity to then say: "just smile and don't let it get to you"
it wouldn't be the first he's done this and it certainly won't be the last, and that's okay.
he wants to enjoy the smiles, laughs, and jokes you end up sharing with him all in an attempt to calm him down but he's already been calm. he's always found himself significantly calm around you, whether he admits it or not.
"come on, let's go home."
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© 2024 feelinmatcha
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starstruckmiraclekitty · 2 years ago
141 + König Jealousy Headcannons
Based on a request from anon- I suck and somehow posted my drafted one yet again☹️
Warnings: sexual references, mild angst
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Simon Ghost Riley-
When He Gets Jealous -
While Simon knows he is an attractive man, he still thinks that you can do much better than him
That being said, when you're around your close friends, and seem genuinely happy by their presence, Simon can't help the pit that forms in his stomach
He will get quiet and distant whenever he feels jealous. It's not a common emotion for him, and he doesn't know how to handle it
May honestly go to Johnny for advice about it
It'll take him a while to open up to you at first about his jealousy.
When he does finally come to terms with his jealousy....SCARY...DOG...PRIVELAGE
When You Get Jealous -
Let's be honest, this man is beautiful, so he constantly will have men and women vying for his attention
Simon isn't one for small talk with strangers though, so he often brushes them off politely, much to your amusement
That's not to say however, that you don't still get jealous when a fairly attractive person goes and chats him up
When he notices you get jealous, he'll make it a point to introduce you to the person who's flirting with him
Simon's not the overly affectionate type, but he would certainly make an exception if you were upset enough. He wants you to know he's yours until the end of time.
Doesn't even complain when you jump him the minute you guys get home
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When He Gets Jealous -
Like Simon, König isn't very vocal about his jealousy, and he will get fairly quiet
He's still fairly insecure with himself, so when he sees someone he feels is more attractive than he is, he can't help but feel self-conscious
He will subconsciously go above and beyond for you- pulling out your chair, bringing you flowers, opening the car door for you- more than he already does
He doesn't fully understand why you are with him, but he will do whatever he can to keep you
Please reassure this poor man. He loves you so much and doesn't want to lose you
When You Get Jealous -
Poor baby doesn't ever intentionally make you jealous
He tries to be nice to any person who approaches him, and it indirectly makes you jealous
He also doesn't realize when people are flirting with him, he always just thinks they're being nice
Literally will feel SO bad if you're jealous, and will apologize profusely for making you feel bad
Gets adorably flustered if you mark him up. Doesn't know what to do with himself
Say the word, and he will RAVISH you in bed to make you feel better
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John Price-
When He Gets Jealous-
This man SCREAMS possessive (not in a toxic way). You are his and his alone
Will stare daggers at anyone who stares at you too long. He will make it known you're his.
Is definitely the type to waltz up to the person you're chatting with, and interrupt the two of you to introduce himself
If the person gets handsy with you? God help that person. Price would kill for you.
9/10 though, the minute his gruff, demanding voice comes out, it scares any possible suitor away from you
Will absolutely take you home and make SURE you know who you belong to ;)
When You Get Jealous-
When you get jealous, John gets pretty cocky about it
Depending on his mood, he may or may not feed into the flirting (just to see you get riled up)
Likes when you come over and make it known he's yours. He finds it cute when you get all fired up
Also finds it cute if you get all pouty about it, he will tease you quite a bit about it
Certainly won't complain if you mark him up once you get home. He'll wear those hickeys with pride
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
When He Gets Jealous-
Kyle doesn't really get jealous, and he hates the feeling of when he is. He never wants you to feel like he doesn't trust you
He may get a bit defensive if a man or woman is trying to shoot their shot with you, but he's confident enough in you and your relationship that he doesn't worry
If he does happen to get jealous, he will definitely get clingy. He'll come up and wrap his arm around you, or press a kiss to your cheek, making your relationship very apparent to the person who's talking to you
When You Get Jealous-
Kyle is very aware if he's being flirted with, or if someone's making a pass at him, and he's always quick to shut it down
Will feel really bad if you do get jealous, and will cuddle you for hours when you get home
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He's the type to constantly reassure you of his affections for you. He never wants you to feel like he'd want anyone else but you
He would hesitantly admit that he gets slightly turned on by your jealousy
Johnny Soap MacTavish-
When He Gets Jealous-
Johnny is fairly confident in his good looks, and he trusts you completely, so he doesn't often get jealous
When he does get jealous, it's oftentimes because he's drunk, and you'll honestly have to hold him back so he doesn't hurt someone (or himself)
Will absolutely make a scene. He will make the entire vicinity of wherever you are aware that you're his partner
If he gets jealous when he's not drunk, he trusts you enough to let you handle it on your own, but will 100% step in like the macho man he is to get the person away from you
May or may not cover you head to toe with hickies...the worst has to know you're his
When You Get Jealous-
Johnny finds it hilarious when you get jealous, and will ABSOLUTELY tease you about it
If the two of you get drunk enough, you both like to see who can make the other get the most jealous
When either of you get jealous, it usually ends up resulting in hours between the sheets (not that either of you would complain)
If you get upset about it, though, he'll feel horrible and will smother you with affection once you get home
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gojokive · 15 days ago
❝ Good Morning, Pretty ♡ ❞
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❝synopsis❞ ‣ jjk men in bed with their crushes.
𓆩☆𓆪 PAIRING(S) › jjk men x afab!reader 𓆩☆𓆪 GENRE(S) › fluff 𓆩☆𓆪 WORD(S) › 3.7K+ » 25min read 𓆩☆𓆪 WARNING(S) › drinking・one bed trope・cuddling・school boy crushes・nanami being a karen・everything to lover(s)・suguru having an internal crisis・jjk men being sweet・nothing really happens honestly just fluffy times ♡ 𓆩☆𓆪 POST DATE › 02.17.2025 𓆩☆𓆪 NOTE › nothing here besides this is barely edited and I've had this sitting in my drafts for a little while. haha, anyways enjoy beauties! ♡
❝featuring❞ ‣ nanami kento, gojo satoru, kamo choso, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuji & geto suguru ♡
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‣ nanami kento ♡ ↳ co-worker(s) to lover(s) | reader(s) outfit
Kento is a respectful man.
So when the two of you were out on a mission that required you to stay at a hotel overnight, he did everything in his power to make sure to get a room that would not make you uncomfortable.
Unfortunately with the hotels being booked for the weekend, the only rooms available had single beds. That just won't do.
He politely asks the clerk to check again for any possible cancellations as she told him there had been one for a double bed room.
Glancing over at your sleeping form, he gives the taxi the address as he updates Yaga and Ijichi on your status and whereabouts, telling them not to worry.
Everything seem to be going as planned, arriving at the hotel in a timely fashion. The check-in didn't take too much time either until Kento asked for confirmation that you were given the right keys and it was indeed a double bedded room.
As soon as he was told otherwise, he was infuriated.
"This is unacceptable."
"I'm sorry, sir. There was a mix-"
"I want to speak to your supervisor." Nanami huffs but before he continue his tirade, you place a hand on his bicep to move him away from the counter. He looks at you dumbfounded before clearing his throat and fixing his tie. His heart thumping a mile a minute at how close you are. "W-Why are y-"
"You're making a scene, Ken..." You smile toward the clearly distraught employee as you take the second keycard. His hand trembling, you know the brashness in Nanami's tone scared the poor boy. "It's fine. We can make it work."
Thanking the clerk, you pull Nanami toward the elevator to avoid the gazes of on-lookers. Some disgusted with his behavior, others annoyed at his out burst... you just want to leave the scene unscathed, freshen up and go to bed.
"I'm exhausted. I just want to go to bed. Please..."
"R-Right... My apologize. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable is all." He gives a strained smile, mentally smacking himself when he realizes he let something so insignificant get to him.
"It's okay." You simply nod, letting go of his arm as the door to the elevator close.
The ride up is quiet and finding your room is easy as you're now sat on the side of the bed, digging through your bag to find your night clothes. Sleeping arranging being the topic of discussion.
He doesn’t care where he sleeps as long as you're feeling safe and comfortable. He doesn't mind putting your needs before his own because he couldn't possibly let you take the couch.
You, however, insist that you're both adults and it doesn't have to be weird! Just two adults going to sleep (that's all). Right?
Except, Nanami's brain kicks into overdrive the moment both of you change into your nightclothes. You look so cute in your little romper (at least, he thinks that's what you called it) as he watches you move around the room.
Mesmerized how the navy blue compliments your beautiful skin color. He notices he can see all your curves in all of your glory and he loves the cute cherry pattern that repeats itself all over your body.
He turns away to catch his breath but if you were to look at him now, you'd know that something was wrong. Especially when he looks over to see you bent over and the shorts are riding up your ass.
"Are you okay, Ken?" You ask, rubbing lotion into your hands and walking toward the right side of the bed.
"Hmm?" He blinks rapidly, eyes searching your face as confusion overtakes your features. God, why were you so breathtakingly beautiful? "I-I'm okay?"
It comes out as more of a question than anything as he lays down to turn his back to you.
He can still hear you moving around the luxurious hotel after brushing your teeth and washing your face. He wonders if you're this active when you're at home. He can imagine watching you with a soft smile as you talk about your day and how much you hate the higher-up's while doing your nightly routine.
With your soft spoken manner, he could listen to you talk about anything for hours.
He knows he doesn't have the right to think about you like that but… He can't help it.
"Ken? Did you hear me?"
"I'm sorry. No I didn't." He clears hit throat and turns to lay on his back as he's met with you standing with your hand on your hips.
"Ijichi said he'll be here around eight in the morning so we need to be up by six thirty."
"Right." He says, condemning himself for letting his eyes roam your body because you're not a piece of meat for him to gawk at.
What the hell is wrong with him?
You slide into bed, ignoring the weird look on his face and pull the covers over your you to settle into bed. As you try to make yourself comfortable, he seems to be spiraling in his mind.
This is what he was afraid of!
You're so close, yet so far away and all he wants to do is cuddle up next to you. Be in your warmth but he has to tell you. He needs to tell you.
Should he finally confess to you now? Should he wait? He's waited long enough has he? Is it even the right time?
Arm draped over his eyes, he closes them as he feels the burn from the exhaustion. He tries to get his mind to relax but it's proven to be in vain when all he can think about is you.
"Yes?" He says your name with so much exhaustion you feel bad for possibly keeping him awake, unaware that you're the reason he can't seem to fall asleep. "Are you okay?"
He hums as a response before letting the air settle into quietness.
It isn't until he he's made up his mind to tell you that he calls your name but hears your soft snores instead. Realizing you're already sleep.
Nanami sighs, wishing he could do the same as he tries to recount where his feelings for you began until he's finally able to fall asleep to the soft of the white noise of the hotel room.
The night passes in a blur when he slowly comes to as both of your alarms blare.
You've completely made your home on his chest. He couldn't lie, it was nice to wake up in your arms. You fit perfectly but he's not sure how you'll react to the revelation once you awaken.
He quietly untangles himself to head to the restroom as you grumble about missing warmth.
Maybe when he finally gets the courage to confess, he’ll be able to do it more often.
‣ kamo choso ♡ ↳ best friend(s) to lover(s)
There's something soft and sweet about being able to sit and talk with your crush best friend, regardless of where the two of you are. Like magnets, you always seem to find your way to him and vice versa.
Is what Choso would say if he wasn't sweating bullets, nervous about wanting to tell you how he truly feels.
Being able to talk about any and everything while cuddling with the one you love is the best feeling in the world but he wishes he could do more. He wants to be more than just a friend because... Well… he loves you. He's in love with you and he's finally come to terms with his heart.
Only problem is he doesn’t know where your feelings for him stand but that doesn’t matter right now.
The only that matters is how pretty you look as you continue to talk about the movie you took Yuji to see while he was busy with work. He can’t help the smile that makes its way across his face. He listens. Although your voice is beginning to come out as a whisper the sleepier you get.
It's so damn adorable.
“‘m not sleepy…”
He takes that as his cue to toss your favorite blanket over the both of you.
”Your voice says otherwise, lovely.”
You groan but don’t say a word, letting him pull you into his chest as he chuckles at your annoyance. You didn't want to fall asleep but ended doing so quicker then expected. He takes that moment to admire you.
He knows best friends don’t do things like this but he can’t help but want to do it with you. As he gazes at your lips, he wants to be able to kiss you when he can.
Instead, he leans in closer to kiss your forehead, feeling you squirm in his grasp.
There’s a certain softness that follows as your breathing evens out more. You look so peaceful and it takes everything in him to not coo at how cute you are.
He rests his chin on top of your head and smiles as you cuddle deeper into his arms. He knows it's not ideal to sleep on the couch so makes the split second decision to move himself to be able to pick you up to carry you to his bed.
You whine from the loss of body heat but once you feel him again, you snuggle deeper into his arms.
Laying you down and leaving (although he doesn't want to go) is harder since you won't let go of his shirt.
You don't have to tell him twice as he takes the opportunity to throw the cover over both of you to let you finally get some sleep.
"G' night Princess."
You hum, falling back asleep as Choso rubs his hand up and down your arm and smiles softly.
Even if things don’t work out the way he wants them, he’s content with how things are now. He doesn't want to rush you into anything and he doesn't want you to feel obligated to say 'yes' if he asks.
Although, he does wishes you would give a chance.
A chance to show you he can be right for you. A chance to show you he can love you the way he knows you need to be loved. A chance to show you that you're it for him and he doesn't want anyone else.
He’s willing to do whatever it takes to show you.
‣ gojo satoru ♡ ↳ stranger(s) to lover(s)
Another day, another date.
This would be the fifth date within the last two weeks and Satoru couldn't have been happier.
Deciding on dinner and a little bit of ice skating this time, you're completely exhausted after trying to keep up with him.
He can see it in the way you're dragging your feet and how you're talking much slower than before. He should let you go home but there's something in him that just doesn't want to let the date end.
Insisting on having a little movie marathon at his place, he mentions you can sleep over if you don't feel up to driving home.
What's the worse that can happen?
Not even thirty minutes into the movie, you're already slumped as you're laying your head on his shoulder. He can't help but chuckle, unsure of what he should do. He doesn't mind laying with you in bed but he doesn't know how you'll react and the last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable.
So, he maneuvers you so he can lay back against the armrest as he moves your body away from the edge so you don't fall and places a cover over the both of you.
There’s a sense of peace that comes with being someone you're starting to develop feelings for and right now Satoru feels that with you.
He can't help the smile that spreads over his face at the sight of you snuggling into his chest, squishing against it. Granted, maybe the couch isn’t the best place to fall asleep together but if he’s with you, he’ll be fine. He'll gladly take that crook in his neck or back pain.
He wants to kiss you but he's unsure of how you'll feel about since it's something you haven't done yet. He also wants you to be conscious when he kisses you as well.
So instead, he simply opts for watching the television until he can he fall into dreamland too.
Morning comes sooner than expected as he honestly hadn’t expected to fall asleep with you but he’s glad you’re getting your rest too. Especially after all the overtime you mention you've been working.
He loves the way the sun light shines through the curtains of his window, casting a angelic glow to your face. His gaze softening as he caresses the side of your face, thumb lazily rubbing circles into your cheeks.
You look peaceful.
He can’t help but hold you closer, not wanting to let go but of course, that causes you to stir. A lazy smile grazing your pretty features as he chuckles at how cute you look.
“What time is it?” You groan, rubbing at your eyes as Satoru leans over to light up his phone to check.
“08:40, beautiful.”
“Shit!” You jump up, accidentally kneeing Satoru as he groans in pain. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay.” He grits through his teeth as his hand flies toward his dick, you’re such a cluts...
But you’re a pretty cluts and well, he can get used to that.
‣ geto suguru ♡ ↳ friend(s) with benefit(s) to lover(s)
Suguru was ecstatic when you agreed to get drinks with him and his classmates. He loves that he would finally be able to spend time with you outside of only sleeping together. You couldn't wipe the smile off of his face even if you wanted to!
However, that only lasted until you and Satoru sat beside each other rather than you next to him. He hated being forced to witness you and Satoru joking together. Leaning on each other and smiling as if you've known each other for a while.
It made him feel like a third wheel.
Like he was the one intruding.
Even Shoko (in her drunken state) mentioned the two of you being perfect for each other but both of you quickly dismissed it.
Was he the only who thought it was a terrible idea? Suguru hated the idea of the two of you together.
You don't see the way Satoru glances at Suguru as you down your shot with a soft smile. You don't see the frown on Suguru face and the sympathetic look Satoru gives his friend because he knows all about his crush on you. Yes, you're a sweet girl but you're not Satoru's type. He sees you more as a friend than anything.
Plus, he wouldn't do that to his friend.
The night goes on when Suguru realizes how much you had to drink compared to everyone else (aside from Shoko).
Five drinks deep (with your confidence soaring) you slyly pull Suguru into a deep kiss before practically passing out in his arms. It was then everyone decided it was time to go.
He remembers telling Shoko and Satoru that he was going to make sure you made it home safely. He wouldn't have felt good sending you off on your own.
Waving down a cab as he carries you in his arms, he ignores said driver glare (granted he knows how this looks to an outsider) but it's clearly not that.
He gives the man your address, letting you lean on his shoulder to rest as he takes the chance to pull your hand into his lap to play with your fingers. Your soft snores being heard.
It doesn't take long to get to your place, pulling your keys from your pocket to let the both of you in.
Kicking off his shoes first, he takes off yours off next and leaves them by the door before picking you up again and carrying you to your room to lay you down bridal style.
"Suguru..." He stops in his tracks when he glances down to see you staring at him with the cutest pout he's seen thus far.
"Yeah Princess?"
"Stay with me, please..."
He notices you whine a lot in your drunken state and well, you were also incredibly strong as you yanked him by his arm for him to get in the bed.
He knew he should have fought harder but the way you were babbling so cutely about nothing had his heart pounding against his chest and he couldn't take how fucking adorable you are drunk.
He decides to let you get comfortable while laying against his chest so you could fall asleep. What he didn't expect was to fall asleep with you (maybe he was drunker than he thought he was). 
He wakes up before you as he tries to untangle himself from you. He realizes his issue because you're very touchy when you're drunk as well.
He takes a deep breath before adjusting himself (the last thing he needs is for you to see is how hard you make him).
Although, he doesn't get far when you whine to ask him where he's going as he tells you the bathroom.
And well, doesn't notice that you followed him in there.
‣ itadori yuji ♡ ↳ childhood friend(s) to lover(s)
It had been a long night of gaming together when you finally expressed you were growing sleepy.
Yuji insisted you sleep at his place since it was well past midnight, going as far as to tell you he would sleep on the floor so you can have the bed.
You told him you weren't going to put him out seeing as it was his apartment. It would be unfair.
Although, everything you were saying was going in one ear and out the other as Yuji continued to prepare his makeshift bed.
It wasn't until he was going to grab a couple of pillows that you moved them so he couldn't.
"My pillows!"
You giggle before sitting on your knees with a pretty pout dawning on your lips. His breath hitched the moment you lock eyes and for a second, he forgets how to even breathe.
"I told you, you didn't have to do that, Yu..." You whine, crossing your arms over your chest before patting the empty space next to you. Yuji stares, choking over his words as he rubs the back of his neck.
"I-I just wanted to be a gentleman…"
“And that’s fine and all but I’m not going to kick you out of your own bed so c'mon.”
The both of you get comfortable and talk about any and everything until you fall asleep first. It gives Yuji a chance to get a good look at you.
The idea of confessing has been floating in his mind and he knows he will have to do it soon because he knows you have a crush on someone.
He just doesn't know who it is.
When morning comes, Yuji wakes first.
The first thing he notices is his arm is numb but he quickly chalks that up to him laying on it wrong.
It isn’t until he tries to turn over, he feels you snuggle deeper into his chest. It's only then he realizes what position he’s in.
There’s a soft blush that begins to creep on his cheeks when the magnitude of how close you two really are. He goes to move again but you whine for him to stop. You're so comfortable, you don't want to move.
There's no need to with it being Saturday after all.
It isn’t until you both hear the sound of laughter that you jolt upright, startling Yuji as he falls off the edge of the bed.
“Idiot!” Sukuna boisterous laughter sounds through the silent room as Yuji tries to slap his hand over the mouth that formed on his face. "Your heart is beating so fast it's hilarious!"
“Shut up!” Yuji eyes you as he watches you get up from the bed to rush off to the restroom, embarrassment written all over your face.
Does Yuji scold Sukuna?
Of course.
Does he care?
Not in the slightest.
‣ fushiguro megumi ♡ ↳ classmate(s) to lover(s)
Honestly, Megumi doesn't remember how he managed to end up in your bed.
The both of you told Gojo you were going to stay late to spar. It took up most of your night but truthfully, Megumi wasn't complaining.
Especially since it gave him more time to spend with you.
He's been wanting to confess his feelings to you for the longest but most of the advice given to him made him even more anxious to.
'They're strong! You sure you can handle them?'
'A grade one and grade two dating? You sure you aren't delusional?'
'Are you even their type?'
All these comments circled within his mind as he walks you back to your dorm. Hands in his pocket and a soft pout gracing his lips, how was he to confess to you? Did you even feel the same?
"Are you even listening to me?" A soft giggle graces his ears and in that moment, he realizes just how much you make his heart race! He wonders if you even know how much you do. "Fushiguro?"
"Sorry. What were you saying?" He tries to play it off but he knows exactly what you were saying because he could listen to you go on and on about any and everything.
Right in this moment though, you were talking about something Nanami had taught you and damn, he's trying his hardest to suppress a warm smile.
As you're walking home, it suddenly began pouring rain. He knew he felt little droplets earlier but he thought you had more time to make back to the dorms.
Being the sweetheart that you are, you ask if he wants to stay until the rain eventually blows over. Your excuse? You didn't want him to catch a cold (which is sweet of you, he thinks).
Plus, he would be safe and dry (which caused his cheeks flush at how nervous he was) as he agreed.
Fighting over sleeping on the floor wasn't something he saw himself doing with you but he found it endearing. The moment you told him you would, he instantly told you no. He didn't mind sleeping there but he refuses to let you sleep anywhere but the bed.
It's silly, really.
Eventually you agree on both sleeping in the bed since you did have a king size. There was more than enough room for both of you.
As you finally fall asleep, Megumi lays staring at the unmoving ceiling as he listens to the pitter patter of the rain. He glances over at you a few times and can't help but smile at how peaceful you look.
"Maybe one day..." He whispers, turning his back to you as he closes his eyes to finally sleep.
What he hadn't expected was to wake up with you fully cuddling into his neck! He tries to still his heart from beating so fast but it's useless when he can feel your breath on his neck.
His eyes widen at the thought of how close you are as you smell so sweet. He's embarrassed that he even decided to sniff you in the first place.
He was doing well, trying to play coy because he didn't want you to know he likes you simply because he couldn't handle the rejection.
But... now... as he turns over to watch over you as you snuggle into his chest, he thinks he might have a chance.
He wants to tell you how he feels.
No matter the outcome.
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© GOJOKIVE 2024-2025 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  PLEASE DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. thank you for reading! & remember: you nice, keep going.❤️ comment/reblogs(s)/like(s) are totally welcomed! › read more work here: masterlist ‹
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aemondsbabe · 1 year ago
Wind's Howling
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summary: sharing a bed & accidental stimulation || you're nursing osferth's injury as the two of you spend a cold night together in an inn, but you feel called to help him in another way as well
pairing: osferth x f!reader
warnings: mature/explicit, 18+ (minors dni!), no use of y/n, afab reader, mentions of injury but nothing graphic, dry humping kind of, kissing, breast/nipple play, piv sex, unprotected sex it’s like literally the 800’s sue me, cuddling, osferth whimpering how precious, let me know if i missed anything!
word count: 1.8k
a/n: happy day five of 12 days of smuff!! this one can be read as a continuation of love is patient and kind or as a stand alone! enjoy! also yes, the title is a witcher pun
12 days of smuff masterlist!
gif creds to @black-dread!
likes, comments, & reblogs are very appreciated but never required!
🌟add yourself to my taglist to be notified when i post new fics!
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You can hear Osferth let out a soft sigh behind you as you shift yet again in another futile attempt to get comfortable on the thin, lumpy mattress. You sigh too, as you finally settle, only to let out a quiet groan when you realize this position is really no better than the last twenty you tried. 
“Sorry,” you spare a glance over your shoulder as you speak, wincing as another harsh gust of wind blows a cold draft through the room, “I can’t get comfortable enough on this damn thing to sleep.” You say with a defeated sigh. 
“You need not apologize,” the monk murmurs behind you, “Between my shoulder and this cold, sleep eludes me as well.” 
As if on cue, another stinging draft billows through the room, eerily whistling through any cracks it can find. The two of you sigh, defeated — leave it to Uhtred to pick the worst possible inn to stop at, though he had insisted upon it, saying Osferth needed a few days in safety to rest his shoulder and the rest of you needed the opportunity to gather supplies anyway. 
Truthfully, a break was probably a good idea. Ever since the ambush a few days ago, the spirits of your group had been in short supply and members were beginning to bicker and fight amongst themselves. Your poor monk had taken it upon himself to be the peacekeeper, which had only served to cause you more stress as you kept trying to compel him to stay in bed and rest his shoulder. 
You can’t help but squeeze your eyes shut at the thought of his injury, the memory of him being harshly tugged off his horse in the chaos of the ambush still makes you uneasy; your heart twists in your chest as you think through your list of “what ifs” yet again. 
Almost as if he can sense your thoughts, Osferth bumps the back of your leg with his knee. “Please do not worry yourself, my lady,” he says, a heaviness to his tired voice, “I am fine, we are safe.” 
“How did you know I was thinking about it?” 
“You tense up every time you do.” 
You sigh again before finally turning over to face him, your tired eyes meeting his in the dark room, the only light in the room coming from the full moon outside. 
“Hi,” you murmur after a moment. 
“Hi,” he whispers, the corner of his lips quirking up into a soft smirk. 
“How’s your shoulder?” You ask, shrugging one arm out from underneath the thick wool blanket the two of you share to gingerly run your fingers over his arm, taking extra care in the spots you know are still bruised and sore, “Is it feeling any better?” 
“I think so,” he mutters, flexing it a little, “It aches to move it too much but as long as I am still, it causes me no pain.” 
You nod thoughtfully, silently thanking whatever God there may be that he had escaped relatively unharmed. 
After another moment of silence, you wiggle again on the mattress before letting out a quiet, rueful laugh. “I give up,” you groan, “This mattress is useless.” 
Osferth sighs next to you and shuffles closer, reaching out as far as he can without extending his shoulder to skim his long fingers over your arm as an act of comfort, “I’m sorry, my sweet lady.” 
“I should be the one apologizing,” you murmur, “Without my tossing and turning, perhaps you could find sleep.” 
He breathes a quiet laugh through his nose, “You are not what is keeping me awake,” he says with a sigh, “Between this cold and my shoulder, your restlessness is a blessing.” 
The wind howls outside once more and you see Osferth shiver as another draft of bitter air blows through the room. With a sigh, you shuffle closer to him, practically molding the front of your body to the front of his as your legs slot together under the woolen blanket; your eyes flutter closed as you savor the warmth of having him pressed against you, though the action causes your thin linen shift to ride up nearly to the tops of your thighs as one of his long legs presses between yours. 
After a moment, you find yourself squirming for a much different reason, the discomfort of the mattress quickly slipping from the forefront of your mind as your center begins to throb, making you keenly aware of the way the monk’s warm thigh presses against your bare heat, the thin fabric of his breeches the only thing separating the two of you. 
You stay quiet, opting not to disturb him further as you know sleep is important to the healing process. However, it seems his mind is wandering too because after a moment, your eyes shoot open when you feel his hard length pressing against your hip, only to find him already looking at you. 
“Osferth —,”
“I’m sorry, my lady,” he murmurs softly, a blush visible on his cheeks even in the dim lighting, “I—,” he starts, though you cut him off with a soft kiss, sighing as his lips press against yours, his warm breath fanning across your face. 
“You needn’t apologize,” you whisper, pressing soft kisses to his cheeks, “In fact, I can think of something that may help us both sleep…” You tease, just barely rutting your hips against his. 
His eyes slip closed at the feeling, a soft, whimpered sigh escaping his lips before he shakes his head. “You’ve already done so much for me, my lady,” Osferth murmurs, his blue eyes meeting yours once more. 
“So let me do this last thing,” you smile, pressing one more sweet kiss against his lips, “Please?” 
Your monk can’t help but smile at your eagerness and nods, making you smile brightly in the darkness of the small room. Gently, you untangle yourself from him before guiding him onto his back, taking care to ensure that he moves his shoulder as little as possible. Finally, you climb atop him, straddling his hips, both of you groaning at the way your wet, warm center presses against his length through his cotton breeches. You’re careful to keep the blankets wrapped over your shoulders as you maneuver on top of him, lifting your hips just enough to free his length. 
You shiver when you feel him press against you, already throbbing in your grasp as you run the head of his cock through your folds, gasping as it bumps against your already aching bud. 
“Please, my lady,” Osferth groans beneath you, his chest already heaving, “You… you feel too good, please.” 
You can’t help but obey him, smirking at his pleas as you position his length at your entrance. “Shhh, sweet monk,” you soothe, moaning as the head of his cock slips inside you, “Let me make you feel good.” 
Osferth whimpers beneath you as you sink down onto his length with a pleased sigh, your walls already squeezing against him. You gasp softly when he presses fully inside you, your hips resting against his as his length fills you completely, leaving no part of you untouched. You wiggle your hips on top of him, grinding your pearl against him with a soft whimper. 
You slowly start moving atop him, though you quickly pick up the pace as one of his hands grips harshly at your waist, the other remains draped across his chest at your insistence, determined to keep his shoulder safe. You bite your lower lip, intending to stay quiet as you know the walls of the old inn must be quite thin, however that gets harder and harder to do as the tip of Osferth’s cock brushes against that sensitive spot within you every time you sink back down onto him. 
“You feel so good,” the monk gasps as he stares up at you, marveling at how you move against him, at the beautiful blush spreading across your cheeks, at the way your breasts bounce beneath the nearly sheer fabric of your simple shift dress, “So beautiful, my sweet lady.” He sighs, his cock twitching against your walls. 
“Osferth,” you whisper through a harsh gasp, “I love you, my precious monk.” You smile when he groans beneath you, his cock throbbing as you continue moving against him. 
“I — Christ,” he gasps, the hand on your hip pushing itself under your shift dress, “I love you too, sweet girl.” He groans, perhaps a bit too loud, as he cups your breast, kneading your soft skin in his palm. 
You gasp loudly at the added sensation, the heat in your belly threatening to boil over. Blessedly, Osferth seems just as done in as you, his hips squirming beneath yours as he tries to stay still. 
“My lady,” he gasps, blue eyes staring up at you more urgently than before, “My lady, I — !” He cuts himself off with a loud moan when you lean forward to press your bud more firmly against him, which only serves to press his length somehow deeper within you as his fingers toy wildly with your nipple. 
“I know,” you nod your head with a gasp, struggling to keep your eyes open, “I know, my sweet monk. It’s okay, please” you moan, your walls clenching hotly around him as your high finally spills over you, igniting every nerve ending with a blinding pleasure, “God, fuck!” You can’t help but squeal, bracing your hands on either side of the monk’s head as you tumble forward, unable to hold yourself up. 
Osferth whispers your name over and over, as if in prayer, before he finally groans loudly, cock twitching wildly within you as he cums, painting your walls with his thick spend. He moans happily as you sink further down against him, mouthing at your nipples through the fabric of your dress. 
After a moment, your high subsides and you open your eyes once more, giggling softly as you lean down to press a sweet kiss to his lips. With a sigh, you lift yourself off of him before dropping to the bed with a tired groan. You slot yourself against his side and pull the blanket back up from where it had slipped off, one of your legs draped across the monk’s hips. 
Just as you’re about to open your mouth again to ask about his shoulder, a fist pounds on the wall above your heads from the next room, making the two of you gasp. 
“Oi!” Sihtric calls, his gruff voice muffled, “If you don’t stop fucking like rabbits I’ll come in there and strangle the damn monk myself!” 
“Oops,” you whisper to Osferth through a giggle, nuzzling your head against his neck. 
“I would face the wrath of ten vikings to bed you, my lady,” the monk whispers softly before pressing a kiss against the top of your head.
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tagged lovelies: @helloworldiamnotarobot @drakonflames @marysucks-blog @watercolorskyy @valeskafics @iamaegontargaryenwife0 @aemshaircare @1997babyyyy @lovellies @little-moonbeam-666 @blackswxnn @alerisc @fan-goddess @wickedfrsgrl @moonriseoverkyoto @echos-muses
(tags are based on your answers to my google form; if you were mistakenly tagged, please contact me & update your answers on the form! thank you!)
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ink-n-shadow · 8 months ago
Hey boo
I noticed you don’t often write for soap, so don’t take this as pressure to write for him if you don’t want!
but would you write about Soap getting back from deployment, pent up and in need of release? And his poor darling, in the middle of making dinner, keeps trying to tell him to wait, and the poor guy gets needy :(
no pressure, and keep up the good work 🫶
honestly, i need to write more soap stuff because he's really itching something in my brain— (also apologies for the shitty ending. this has been sitting in my drafts for so long and i just wanted to finish it)
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𝜗𝜚 the one where soap gets back from deployment and just needs to be inside of you
𝜗𝜚 pairing: john "soap" mctavish x gn!reader 𝜗𝜚 cw: smut (minors—DNI), slight dub con? (idk if it qualifies enough for a warning but i’d rather be safe than sorry), kitchen sex, unprotected sex (pls wrap it before you tap it/get tapped), oral (reader!receiving), implied cum play, unedited
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soap couldn't even remember the last time he had felt your naked skin against his—and that was the fucking problem. he had been wracking his brain ever since you guys had gotten back from the airport, desperately trying (and failing) to envision the last time he had his hands all over you as his eyes followed you flit around the kitchen.
"are you even listening to me, johnny?" soap heard you huff out softly, spinning around on your heel and crossing your arms over your aproned chest as your narrowed eyes met soap's hazy ones.
of course soap wasn't listening—he was too busy trying to decide whether to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck his cock into you or carry you over to the already set dining table, spreading you out on your back before pushing his tongue into you. but the frustration pinching your brows together had soap trying to swallow down his pent up need, arms wrapping around your waist as he murmured his apology into the nape of your neck.
"y'just look so pretty, bunny," soap all but whined against your skin, unable to help the way he inhaled your scent deeply. "take a break from makin' dinner, yeah? lemme fill you up."
and you would be scolding soap, chastising him for being the reason why dinner was currently burning in the oven as you tried halfheartedly to squirm out from under his arms.
but soap would be haphazardly shoving your sweatpants halfway down your thighs, one hand palming your arousal through your already sticky underwear as the other worked to free his cock from his jeans.
"shhh—s'alright if dinner burns," soap breaks away from breathing filthy words down your neck long enough to let a wad of spit drip down between your bodies, watching it splatter over your twitching entrance before running his leaking tip through the mess to lube both of you up. "i'll order somethin' instead, yeah? treat you to some of that take out y’like after i fuck ya stupid.”
soap doesn’t even give you a minute to breathe out a snarky retort before stuffing his leaking cock into you, an almost animalistic growl ripping from his chest as he feels your gummy walls sucking him in deeper and deeper and deeper.
and god does it feel like taking your virginity all over again, soap's cock having to carve its way through your insides once more to nestle against the spongy spot he remembered would have your legs trembling. it's only been a few jagged strokes, and your walls are already milking soap for everything he has.
"r-relax, bunny," soap pants into the crook of your neck as his fingers grip tightly around the fat of your hips, pulling your ass flush against the front of his thighs to prevent himself from spilling his cum too quickly. "y'feel like a f-fuckin' vice—gonna make me cum already."
it probably wouldn't even be three strokes after he says those words that soap feels his high crash over him, hunching over your body as he feels ropes of his spend spilling inside of you. he would feel his softening cock twitching at the feeling of it dripping down your thighs, landing on the kitchen tile with a soft plit, plit, plit.
and soap wouldn't even give you time to breathe before he's pulling out of you, dropping to his knees carelessly to bury his face between your thighs and lick you clean until you cum. "told you i'd get you that takeout you like, right? just gotta have my meal first, m'kay?"
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©️ ink-n-shadow 2024
do not copy, plagiarize, steal, borrow, or repost any of my work without my expressed permission
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uyuuma · 9 months ago
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satoru gojo x fem!reader ღ MDNI.
❥ summary. your boyfriend, satoru gojo, is driving you home from a long day out. you decide to repay him for the fun date, while he's fuckin' driving. (damn girl, can't wait till you get home first?)
❥ warnings. nsfw, female anatomy, praise kink, using pet names, oral (male receiving), deepthroating, hairpulling, this is all while he drives btw, etc.
❥ a/n. mb guys ik it's been a few months but i'm having horrible writers block. i have a bunch of drafts atm. wrote this cos i may or may not have done this irl >:) also this is bc im still coping with ch 261 in jjk
❥ wc. 3k
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"Are you sleepy, baby?" A voice asked softly, ripping you from the dream-like state you were under. You blinked rapidly, little droplets forming on the corners of your sleepy eyes. A quiet yawn escaped your lips as you stretched in your plush seat. You turn your head to look over at Gojo, as he lovingly glances at your sleepy form in his passenger seat. Your lashes drooped as your mind slowly regained consciousness, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up from your groggy condition. Gojo let out a chuckle as his eyes stayed glued to the road ahead. "Sorry baby, didn't mean to wake you from your precious slumber." he apologized, his faint smile being illuminated from the bright red lights on the dashboard. "S'okay baby, didn't mean to fall asleep anyway." you muttered, another yawn threatening to escape your throat. You looked ahead at the road, it was a straight freeway that stretched out for miles on end. It was already dark out, hardly any lighting besides the bright headlights of his car. It was slightly mesmerizing to you, seeing the surrounding environment race by in a blur. You could tell you were still quite a ways from home, you were in a very rural area. No cars, buildings, or signs of civilization have passed by since you woke up. "Poor baby, we had such a long day together. You should nap some more, it'll be a while till we get home, 'kay?" Gojo rested his large hand on your thigh, giving it a light, reassuring squeeze. He moved his hand so that he could cup your cheek, trying to further coax you into going back to sleep. You giggled, shrugging your left shoulder so that you could lean into his palm. "I'm fine, Satoru... I'm not that sleepy." You kissed his hand and leaned back into the chair, peering out the windshield to see the sparkling stars in the night sky. As he withdrew his hand to change gears, you moved yours to fiddle with the radio. Gojo always gives you aux because you are his pretty princess that he loves to spoil. He didn't mind whatever songs you chose to play, even if your playlists were an incoherent mess. You tapped on the screen, skipping a couple of songs before landing on the one you wanted.
You grinned, satisfied with the choice. Gojo also seemed pleased by your choice as he gently bobbed his head to the beat. He shifted gears again then rested his hand on your thigh once more. A gesture which was normally so innocent and comforting had your head spinning. You weren't sure what had suddenly caused you to feel so worked up, but it certainly caused you to become more alert. You bounced your other leg in anticipation, sorting through your options. You want Gojo now. In fact, you were down bad for him all day, but since you two were enjoying the day together you brushed it off. But now it's different, now you have privacy. Now you were cooped up in his Dodge Challenger, home still miles away. Come to think of it, his car was definitely one of his prized possessions as he always took amazing care of it. The interior was always so clean, the matte black seats and dashboard almost disappeared into the night. It smelled faintly of his cologne and the 'black ice' tree car freshener that hung from his rearview mirror. The masculine blend of scents added to the growing arousal pooling in your tummy, as if his car was full of pheromones. But even if it wasn't the way he cared for his car or the hypnotic aroma that danced around your senses, just the way he drove enchanted you. He drove with such confidence, only needing one hand on the wheel. The way his veins would pop out of his pale hand when he would switch gears. His long legs shifted somewhat to hit the gas or clutch. It was as if your boyfriend mastered the art of driving. It was the true reason you made him drive most of the time, Gojo believing it to be because you weren't as confident in driving. Nope, the true reason was that you were too enamored with being his little passenger princess to ever dare getting into the driver's seat again. Realizing that you were full on ogling Gojo as he drove, you shifted your observant eyes to take in his handsome face. He was focused on the road, his right hand now holding the wheel. His left arm rested against the car door, propping up his tired head on his fist. His body language was fatigued and you understood that he too, was drowsy. Your lips tugged into a frown, growing empathy and guilt in your body. You wanted to find a way to keep your boyfriend awake, while also repaying him for spoiling you all day.
That was when your gaze settled on his crotch, a little idea popping into your head. You knew exactly how to spoil him back and you weren't waiting till you guys got home to do it.
"Satoru..." you muttered, a lilt to your soft voice. You rest your hand on his thigh this time, fingers stroking the rough wrinkles in his dark jeans.
"Yes, princess?" He asked curiously, his thigh twitching from your little touches.
"Want to repay you for today." you hummed, your head leaning onto the edge of your seat. You batted your lashes at him innocently, not sure if he could see from the dark interior.
Per his immaculate eyesight however, he saw how you put on an innocent act. He cocked his head in confusion, a small laugh leaving his lips. "Baby, you don't owe me anything. Don't be silly." he assured you.
You pout, puffing your cheeks out in annoyance. Of course he wouldn't let you pay back monetarily... however that's not what you meant.
"Not like that..." you mewled. You guided your hand down to his crotch, fingers caressing the fabric that separated you from his cock. You smirked, feeling how his dick stirred underneath his jeans. Seems like he wanted you too.
He sucked air in through his teeth, a sharp hiss escaping his lips. "Naughty girl..." he muttered, his gaze remained fixed to the freeway.
"I'll happily take you as payment then." He chuckled, moving his left hand to grip onto the steering wheel. His now free hand met yours as he pressed your palm harder against his length. He groaned, letting himself enjoy your touch for a little longer. Once he grew impatient he began to unbuckle his belt with right hand, left hand still steering the wheel. He undid his belt and moved the strap of his seatbelt so that it was resting against his abs. He followed suit with unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. The sounds of the clanking belt buckle and zipper sent shivers down your spine and a familiar warmth to your cunt.
He skillfully hooked his thumb into the waistband and bucked his hips up to lower his jeans. He pulled his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock. It was half hard but even in its softer state it was big.
In an instant your hand gathered his length, giving it a few pumps to get him to 100%. He let out a low groan, his grip tightening on the steering wheel's leather.
You lazily slid your palm along his cock, enjoying the feeling of him growing inside of your grip. You knew you were efficient at your job when his cock became too much for just one hand to hold. His blushing tip started to gush with precum. He twitched in your grasp as you wiped the sticky fluid with your thumb.
Your mind became so dizzy and cloudy, watching how his abs flexed and body shuddered from any small movement you made. You admired the fluffy white happy trail that lead down his pelvis. It all was too much for you to handle any longer.
You could feel your slutty little mouth salivate, hungry to finally shove him into any hole you could fit him into.
To be completely fair, it was a difficult task to fit him anywhere. His dick was just so long. You always bruised the back of your throat whenever you sucked him off, but it's so worth it.
You finally shuffled in your chair, moving your hips so that the seatbelt that constricted your lap was now beneath your shins. You sat up, the only thing keeping you safely tied to your seat was the chest strap.
Gojo's ears perked, hearing how your movements caused the belt to zip in extension to your body. The chest strap slid down your upper body and nestled itself between your stomach and pelvis.
You were lucky that the center console was low, it gave you perfect access to his lap. You leaned over it, your head lowering over his throbbing cockhead. He let out a sigh in relief as your lips finally touched his aching cock. You teased him a bit, giving his leaky tip a few kisses before sticking your tongue out. Your tongue licked a fat strip up his warm shaft, earning you a muffled groan from Gojo. You grinned, looking down at how your spit glistened on his skin as if admiring your work.
Gojo grunted, feeling how the cold air pricked at the saliva you left behind. He felt himself lose his patience, his grip on the wheel tightening. His right hand felt around, trying to keep his gaze attached to the street. Once he felt your hair, he lovingly stroked your head, a small chuckle leaving his throat.
"Princess... you're testing my patience." He croons in a gentle, yet warning manner. His fingers intertwined with your hair so that he could give it a tug.
You gasped, feeling the slight sting in your scalp from his commanding yank on your locks. Averting your gaze from his lap to look up at him, you could make out his strong features even in the darkness. His sharp jawline and the way his mouth contorted in a cocky grin made your mind run wild. You decide to comply with his warning, knowing your delicate throat wasn't prepared to take his relentless pace yet.
You roll out your tongue and open wide, slowly taking his length into your mouth. His breath hitched feeling how your tongue glided against his skin, how you hollowed out your cheeks and clenched around him so heavenly.
"Good fucking girl..." he sighed, dragging out the syllables in bliss. His fingers slipped from your hair, so that he could gently rest it atop your crown. His hand only ever left your head when he had to switch gears.
You immersed yourself into the act, bobbing your head up and down to build a delicious rhythm that you knew Gojo couldn't resist. You could hear his breathing became labored, even with your eyes closed you could imagine how his built chest heaved underneath that tight black shirt.
Gojo's attempts to concentrate on his driving and the road ahead became extremely challenging as he felt his girlfriend's throat swallow him up so well. He desperately wanted to throw his head back, for his long white lashes to flutter shut as he let you take over. However, it wasn't exactly an option at this point in time so he controlled his urges for the time being.
You were fully occupied with dragging your tongue tantalizingly against his length, not caring about how much saliva had started to pool on his pelvis. It felt so lewd to swallow him up while he drove you home, knowing how much restraint he had to use to make sure he didn't run the car off the road. The thrill and danger of it all made you moan messily into his slick skin, inhibitions already out the window.
Feeling your mouth reverberate as you moaned, sent his eyes to dart to the back of his head. Although, it was momentary as he remembered he was supposed to be driving. He forced his body to keep the involuntary movements to a minimum, trying to hone all of his energy into heavy breathing and moans.
Gojo was normally never this vocal, but right now he was pouring all of his bliss into sounds. His grunts only fueled your resolve to take him deeper and deeper... until...
'GLUK!' You choked as his tip prodded past the back of your tongue. Your lungs burned as you held back a cough, mentally cursing yourself for forgetting how lengthy your boyfriend is. You went to remove him from your mouth to gasp for air when your neck felt resistance, stopping you in your tracks. "Mmph!" A muffled cry escaped your mouth as Gojo held your head in place.
"Shhhshhh... doin' so well for me baby. C'mon, practice breathing through your nose like I showed you." Your white-haired boyfriend preened, his hand unwavering as he held down your head.
You were definitely going to give him shit for this when you got home, but in this instance you were cock drunk enough to let this slide. In fact, your body gave into his touch almost immediately, your neck no longer fought against his push. You could feel his cock reach the deepest parts of your throat, a place that you had always struggled to let him into.
Your lungs ached and burned from a lack of oxygen, so you took note of his words as started to breathe through your nose. As you blew air out your nose, it tickled the white hairs that decorated Gojo's pelvis.
Gojo was so proud of how well you were taking his dick down your throat, he could feel his orgasm building quickly. His knuckles were turning white from the incredible grip that he held on the steering wheel. If you could see it, you would undoubtedly drool from the sight of his veins popping out along his knuckles.
He could no longer help how his hips thrusted lightly into your face or how his foot dangerously pushed down on the gas pedal harder and harder. Just the way you were struggling to take him made his head spin in ecstasy. His eyes darted between the road and your pretty little head going down on him, biting down on his lip as he felt himself near the edge.
Before he knew it, he checked the speedometer and his eyes widened in shock.
"Oh shit!" He whisper-shouted, his hand flying out of your hair and onto the shifter. He let off the gas, hit the clutch, and switched gears as he slowed down the car in a huff.
"Fuck princess... makin' me go a hundred here." He chuckled, slight panic still left in his voice. The panic very soon melted away as you sucked in your cheeks and moved your head at a mind-numbing pace.
"Christ..." He huffed as your throat molded to the slight curve of his cock, your muffled moans and hums made him swear he could see god at this very moment. You became so absorbed in his praises that you didn't feel at all panicked that he almost went 120 mph while your face was nestled in his lap. In fact, that only excited you further.
"Fuck baby... m'almost there!" He whimpered, not daring to change the pressure on the gas pedal any further. He held down your head, cock twitching as he prepared to fill you with his load.
You groaned, feeling how he definitely bruised the back of your throat with that last push, your nose pressing into his skin as he gave one last buck.
"Fuck, m'cumming so hard!" Gojo grunted as his muscles tensed up. You suddenly felt the warm sensation of his hot seed spurting down your throat. You swallowed to the best of your ability, the thick fluid causing your esophagus to feel dry. Gojo let out a few more groans and grunts, before his hand let go of your head.
Your head shot up, gasping for air as you recovered from the brutal throat-fucking you just received. Your hands gently held your neck as you came down from your own high.
Gojo's breathing was still heavy as he composed himself behind the wheel. He chuckled, pulling his pants back up since the warmth of your mouth was lost. He glanced down at you every-so-often to make sure you were recovering okay.
"You did such a good job, baby." Gojo praised, his hand coming down to stroke your hair again.
"Throat is sore 'cause of you." You rasped, a slight scowl on your face as you came to your senses. Although you were pouting, you still made sure to help him zip up his pants and buckle his belt.
"I know, I know... I may have gone overboard a bit." He nervously laughed, his fingers pinching your cheek to tease you.
You sat up, hissing from the pain in your ribs from bending over the center console for so long. You must've been too wrapped up in the act to realize how uncomfortable the position was.
You readjusted yourself in his matte black seat, properly buckling yourself to the chair as to not violate the law (as if you weren't doing so a few minutes ago). You fixed up your hair and swallowed thickly, your throat definitely needed some water eventually.
"You were such a good girl f'me though. How about we get you an ice cold slushy and some cough drops to soothe your hard-working throat?" Gojo recommended, his hand resting on your thigh once more.
Your face instantly went from a pout to an excited grin. "Yes, please! Can I pick which gas station, though?" You asked, fingers already tapping the gps to find the closest preferred rest stop.
"Of course, anything for my princess." Gojo responded, being unable to hide the sappy tone in his voice.
Gojo did however hide a smirk though, knowing he was definitely inspired to do more lewd activities in his car again.
This was only the beginning for him and his beloved passenger princess.
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laswells-ashtray · 3 months ago
John never thinks too hard about his childhood, he thinks he's past it. Drunken dad who died when he was a teen, mum who died the day he was born. No point wasting time on that and he thinks he's outgrown that point in his life. Maybe Dad was a bit heavy-handed with the belt but that was more acceptable back then, no need to fuss, and when he compares it to the stories Simon let slip when they both went a little too hard with the drink, he has nothing to complain about.
He never shares any family stories, yeah, Soap will share a story about how he was named after his dad and it sparks a conversation, Kyle will explain the origin of his name proudly, Simon will offer a sparse answer and none of them will ask for any further context. John will offer some half-assed explanation about being named after his old man's old man, someone he never met and never thinks about. Kyle asks him about his mother with a gentleness that can only mean he's noticed that John never talks about her, he offers the classic "never knew her" and it isn't a lie. It isn't. Because he didn't know her, she left earth the same day he made his appearance on it, the value of his life has always been at the cost of another, it's why he makes such a good captain. And he's sick of hearing "oh, I'm sorry" whenever he mentions that he's dead. He's a grown man, he can only hear so many apologies before they become just pointless words that hold no value.
So, it doesn't bother him. Two people he knew are dead, they started the list of countless other names that he doesn't bother thinking about.
And then he comes back from a mission one day, it was a shitshow. Nothing went to plan because their intel was fucked and everyone is frustrated. Ghost had to get stitches in a wound on his arm, isn't the end of the world but it was avoidable. Gaz, the poor fucker is concussed and Soap has the fun job of waking him up every two hours to check on him, a job he was assigned by a medic after they pulled the glass out of his hand. John is almost certain his ankle is sprained, his entire body is a bruise, he lost a good fucking cigar and he snapped at Laswell over comms so he owes an apology that he's planning in advance.
He wants Nik, it might be juvenile but he's tired in a way he can feel in his bones and he wants his pilot.
He finds Nik, he doesn't have to say anything as they head back to his room. Nik knows, Nik always knows. There's the briefest of exchanges as he strips out of his kit and he heads to the shower with the slightest relief knowing that his night is going to end in lazy sex and being stuck under the warm blanket of the Russian bear of a man.
He walks out with damp hair in a pair of boxers and socks because the floor is fucking cold with the constant draft and all but collapses face-first onto his bed. He'll offer Nik a murmured apology later for being selfish but he just isn't sure he can form the words right now.
He can hear Nik kicking off his boots behind him with little care as to where they land, it's a familiar sound from nights like this. He's as relaxed as he's going to get until he hears it, the sound of someone fumbling with their belt buckle. For years it's been just a noise but for the briefest of moments he tenses up in preparation, shoulders raised instinctively to try and block the leather from catching the back of his neck. He's not sure if he's breathing and he can smell whisky, the old fucker must've lobbed the bottle at the wall again and the last dredges of Johnnie Walker red label are soaking into the carpet again. If he doesn't remember to clean it before he goes up to bed then he's fucked, the old drunk will wring his fucking neck just like last time when he-
"John?" The hand on his back is warm as it lands between his shoulder blades, it should be comforting and he should relax into it. He doesn't. He's ashamed of the way he flinches, kicking out a leg as he tries to push himself up the bed and away from it hits him. It's Nikolai. The hand belongs to Nik.
He turns to face the other man, lying on his side and propped up with an elbow. He isn't sure if the sheer mortification he feels is obvious, or the tremors in his hands. He hasn't reacted like that since he was a boy.
"Fuck, Nik. Sorry, just lost in my own fucking head- Sorry, give me a sec and we can get to it." It's humiliating, he's the one who asked for sex and a fucking belt sends him over the edge.
"No, no `getting to it`. We shall continue another night." And there he's gone and done it, his fucking inability to keep his composure has just put a dampener on their sex life.
The cautious way Nikolai reaches out for him hurts, he's being treated like some scared animal. The large hand on his shoulder does act as a source of comfort when he knows who's behind it. "John, перестань. Talk to me, captain."
"I don't- I don't know, just give me a moment." How long can he spend pleading for just a little more time before Nikolai gets sick of it.
"The belt."
He looks up at the Russian with wide eyes, mouth open as he tries to form a denial of some kind, waiting for words that won't form.
Nikolai stares down at him with a look so gentle he has to look away, he can hear the faint sigh of resignation and the following mutter of something Russian that he isn't paying enough attention to in order to translate it in his head.
He sits in silence as the other man joins him in the bed, leaving a gap between that and offering John the chance to cross it on his own time. He shifts over and plaster himself against his partner's side, face buried in his neck.
"I assumed the scars down your back were from torture, just not the military kind."
"From years ago, don't matter much now do they? Taken a lot worse than a belt since then." His body was covered in scars of varying sizes, from anywhere to the scar on his hand from slicing a bagel to the silver band wrapped around part of his left thigh from a bastard with a blade that damn near nicked an artery. He'd stuck that poor sod's blade through his own throat and left him to gurgle on his blood.
"I assume your father is dead?" The fact that Nikolai sounds hopeful isn't lost on him.
"Drank himself into oblivion years ago." John had always thought it would've been his liver that did him in, would've bet money on it. Would've lost too. The old man had asphyxiated on his own vomit, silly prick.
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mcu-coworkers · 2 years ago
Enough for you
Summary: You realized that maybe Miguel isn't who you thought he was.
Word count:1k+
warnings: Sad reader, Sad Miguel:(
Tag list: @ahopelessromanticwritersworld  @munixumai  @deputy-videogamer  @blueberry-thrawn  @neteyamsluvts  @um-well @stinygirl009​  @marcswife21 @maladaptivedaydreamingbum​  @juleshadalittlelamb​  @taygrls​  @tanchosanke​  @chuckle-nuts​
A/n: Hello everyone and welcome to part two of “you?” I will most positively be making a part three coming very soon! Thank you all for reading! (I listened to the sour album while writing this series rough drafts)
Parts: One  Two^ Three Four
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Credits to the creator^
That night you cried yourself to sleep.
Partially because Miguel completely shot you down and partially because you left your friends and suit forever.
You couldn't bear to bring back the suit or go back to HQ knowing what you knew.
You could never face Miguel or any spider again.
You wanted to so desperately let it all go and forget.
But above all else there was a city that needed you and you’d always be there for them no matter what heartbreak comes your way.
In this moment, you wished you were as heartless as miguel.
Back at HQ Miguel was looking through endless security footage on all possible earths miles could have been on.
Truth was he needed a second pair of eyes.
“Lyla.” he barked out.
“Yes, boss.” she responded, appearing on his shoulder.
“Call y/n.” he said, pausing the footage to rub his eyes.
He could take advantage of this time to apologize.
“No can do.” she replied being short with him. To be fully honest Lyla had also had enough of his shit.
“What? Lyla it wasn't a question go get me Y/n. Now.” he said, not having the energy to deal with her jokes.
“No. Miguel, you don’t-” she tried again but he cut her off.
“Fine.  I  ‘ll go get her my fucking self.” he said swinging towards the door.
“She's gone, Miguel. And it's all your fault.” Lyla said behind him.
He froze,“What?” finding your watch and your suit he stopped thinking.
“She quit. Not just the spider society, she quit being a spider entirely. Because of what you said.” Lyla finished.
“ I   didnt-  I   didnt mean it..” he said, clutching your suit in his hand.
“Well you said it anyway and it hurt her.” She responded, “And if  I   were her  I‘d probably never come back too, she deserved better Miguel. Why did you lie?” she asked confused as to why he denied himself the chance of love.
“ I   was angry  I   wasn’t thinking straight.  I  didn’t mean it.” he said barely above a whisper.
“Yeah well you sold it as far as keeping up an act goes.” she said, sighing.
Miguel could always fix his mistakes. This would be a first.
Sighing he stood straight and turned back to his desk.
Miguel had a decision to make, you or the fate of the multiverse.
It's like he said, there's no room for that kind of stuff for guys like him.
Once again he was right.
“Get Ben and Jess in here and have them start with earth 42.” he said, sounding more defeated than ever.
Still, he was clutching your suit as if you were still in it. Your scent lingering.
“Yes, boss.” was all Lyla could muster up at the moment.
Her artificial heart was breaking for the both of you. He was so close to telling you she could feel it.
It just wasn't his strongest moment.
Neither was this one as he took out his anger on the poor monitor that happened to be in his way.
Back at home you laid in bed trying to find the motivation to get back up but the truth was you didn't want to.
Everytime you tried to create a new suit you just heard Miguel's abusive words like it was the first time all over again.
And it just made you want to hide under the blankets forever.
Your spidey senses went off and then there came the portal.
You knew it wasn't Miguel, he could never.
“Hey webby? You alright in there?” you heard.
Taking the covers off you came face to face with an exhausted Peter and a sleeping May Day.
“Heard what happened at HQ  just wanted to check in if that's okay.” he added wondering if he could take a step closer.
“ I   really screwed it up this time pete.” you said wiping the tears away for the millionth time.
God you felt pathetic.
“No way kid, that was all him. You know that right.” he said sitting next to you.
“ I   should’ve been there. But even if  I   was, I don't know if  I‘d be on his side. Miles is just a kid, We’ve all been there right?” you asked. Thinking this way makes you feel guilty.
You should stand behind Miguel at all times.
But now what did it matter you’d never step foot in HQ ever again anyways.
“You're allowed to think whatever you want. He can't take that from you.” Peter reassured me.
He was right.
“You think you’ll ever come back?” he asked, he almost entirely knew the answer but he still held out hope for you.
“ I   don't think so Pete,  I‘m sorry.” you said looking down in shame.
The reality was you could never face him again.
“Don’t be  I   wouldn't stand for that either  I  ‘m pretty sure a lot of us are done for too anyways but listen, you’re never going to be alone.” he said putting a hand on your shoulder.
“If you ever decide to come back not just as spider woman, but to the society, just know you have people in your corner.” he said, giving you a warm smile.
“Thanks pete.” you said as he stood opening a portal.
“Hey pete?” you called out.
Turning back to you he waited for you to continue.
“Don’t ever stop sending me Pictures of May Day. I need my daily serotonin boost.” you said with a soft smile earning yourself a chuckle in return.
“Never kid.” he said as he walked his way into the portal.
A soon as he was gone you went back under the covers and took a deep breath.
Peeking your head out from under the cover you looked at the picture you had framed on your wall.
It was of you receiving the key to the city.
Your city, the one you saved day and night.
Whenever it called for you.
You earned that key the same way you earned the title of spider-woman.
And you weren’t gonna let some words take that from you.
Wiping the fresh tears away you got out of bed putting Miguel's words in the back of your head and got to designing.
You were bigger than his words and you’d prove it.
In that moment you promised you’d make him regret ever  making you feel like you’re not good enough.
One day he’s gonna feel sorry for himself.
And one day you’ll be everything to somebody else.
And he’ll be the one who's crying.
Yeah, one day.
*If you’d like to be added to the tagslist just let me know I am more than happy to :)
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semisolidmind · 4 days ago
Ok how bout' this
What if Reader had a villager boyfriend who sadly had to travel to another place for buisiness but promised to Marry her after he comes back, juste imagine how devastated he is when he Sees what the Monkey King and His general did to His village, and how determined he is to dare set foot in his palace to save Reader after learning what they did with HER
(NOT writing for lmk right now, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and it's already pretty long, so it'd be a waste to just delete it.)
deepest apologies to this hypothetical man, but there's really no way he's ever gonna see reader again.
however, let's entertain the idea that this guy is so dang devoted to reader that, after traveling for a bit and figuring out who's responsible for his entire town's dissapearance, he's determined to get her back.
let's say this guy manages to not only find a magical island (that most folks aren't even sure really exists), get onto the island and past the lower level of defenses (tough terrain and wild animals), sneak past the sentries, and get close enough to the water curtain cave to find reader; all without being spotted. perhaps she's sitting beneath a tree, reading, minding her own business, not expecting him at ALL,
and then there he is. he tugs at her hands, pulling her up and with him. he tells her in a rush that he's come to free her and that they should leave right now, c'mon we gotta go—!
but reader pulls back. her heart is pounding a mile a minute, fear for her once-partner striking her nerves. if her husbands find him here, trying to pull her away...she doesn't want to imagine what they'll do to him. he'll never see the light of day again, that's for certain. reader doesn't want to see another blameless mortal die because of her.
despite the pain in her heart, reader pushes the man away. she tells him he has to leave without her, that attempting to take her back will only get him killed.
but he insists that because he's come this far, she must go with him. he's braved so many dangers, all for her and their promise. the man is practically begging reader to go, still tugging her in the direction of the beach.
reader shakes her head, tears gathering in her eyes. she implores him, please, to just go, forget about her and leave this place before—!
reader gasps.
speak of the devil.
the imposing figure of sun wukong lands heavily behind her former love (who at least has the common sense to look scared out of his mind). the demon makes quite the chilling image; the deadly angles of his paldrons and the imperious, quiet sway of his cape and headress all lending themselves to the visage of a cruel warlord.
the monkey king's eyes burn with rage. he comes home, ready to see his beloved wife, only to find this...unkempt, filthy, desperate mortal man putting his hands on her. he can see that his wife has been upset by this vagrant.
wukong begins to pull his staff from behind his ear, planning to remedy the situation immediately.
reader can only hope that her begging will be enough to save the hapless human man before her. so, she gets right to it.
reader throws herself into a kowtow at her husbands' feet. she pleads with the seething demon, attempting to get him to see reason. this act stuns wukong long enough for him to catch some of what she's saying; he vaguely remembers her speaking of this "fiance" during he and his brothers' time as her little companions, and they rarely saw him. they never liked him, obviously. he stole their peaches' attention from where it ought to be. wukong wants to just kill him, but...
he looks to the woman still kneeling at his feet. he sighs. he can deny her nothing.
his poor, sweet, tender-hearted peach.
wukong pulls reader up. in hushed tones he tells her to never, never kowtow to him like that again; especially on behalf of someone so undeserving. she is his queen. he doesn't want to see her lower herself in that way.
he gathers reader to him, angling her away from her past suitor. then, he turns to the fool who somehow made it to his carefully-hidden island home unscathed. looking the bedraggled human up and down apprasingly, wukong gets an awful idea. he smirks.
the monkey king, so impressed by the man's bravery and devotion, will allow him to live at his queen's request...on one condition.
he must either leave immediately, never to return...or, should his devotion run so deep...
he must beat one of reader's husbands in a fight, fair and square.
so, what will reader's doomed former fiancé do?
ending a: the man foolishly takes the bet.
reader panics and begs him to reconsider: doesn't he know who he just accepted a challenge from? how little his chances of success are?!
the man ignores her, confidently (or as confidently as he can given the circumstances) staring the monkey king down. the simian ruler states that if the man can beat either him or his brother in a fight, no powers, just brute strength and skill, then they'll let reader return with him to the mainland.
now, the man did his research before coming to the island. he knows who's in charge of this island, knows his legends, his strength; he leveled the man's entire town for gods' sake.
but the man feels as though he must fight. at least for his own honor and pride, if not reader's as well. and, in perhaps his most idiotic decision yet, he comes up with an idea he believes will make the fight easier.
he agrees, not to fight the monkey king, but his brother instead.
reader smacks a hand to her forehead (the action drawing a laugh from her husband). she can't believe her former fiance's stupidity. it stands to reason anyone associated with, let alone related to the monkey king would be impossibly strong (or, at the very least, much stronger than a normal human).
although, she supposes she can't fault the man entirely. macaque is discreet in all his dealings (his "shadow general" moniker comes from more than just his powers). she figures the foolish oaf must not know who the darker-furred monkey demon is, and what he's capable of.
the six-eared macaque is summoned, already aware of the situation, and the combatants, the king and queen, and a few (many) spectators make their way to the arena.
to his credit, the human man is doing a very good job at hiding the tremble in his hands. having been offered a fine selection of weapons, the man holds a sword. reader tries once more to convince the man to give up, citing that a few years of weapons training with a local retired military general when he was a teenager does not equate to magically enhanced strength and thousands of years worth of experience in every weapon imaginable.
but the man doesn't listen. he's got something to prove now, and nothing reader says will sway him.
with a sigh, reader resigns herself to the fate the man has chosen for himself. she can't help but remember that he was like this when they were still in the village, too; never listening, always assuming the way that things were was simply how they had to be. she cannot help him now, and so she makes her way back to her kingly husband's side. he grins at her when she sits down, and she shoots him an admonishing glare in response. he laughs fondly at the look.
the duel goes the way one could expect.
though the man is clearly trying his best, he could never have hoped to make even a dent in the shadow generals' defense. the difference in skill is laughable. macaque chose a simple staff as his weapon, and though the man's sword is sharp and quick, it's nothing in the face of the monkey demon's expertise.
macaque is clearly playing, allowing the human to get just close enough before dodging nimbly out of the way. he doesn't even have to use his powers. this is nothing more than a silly game.
and eventually, the shadowy simian grows tired of his playmate. after a short time landing a few blows (purposefully feather-light so as not to kill, just bruise), macaque lands a hit so hard it throws the man across the arena. the battered human hits the wall with a noise that makes reader wince, and falls to the dirt.
the crowd starts to get rowdy as their second in command stalks towards his exhausted, near-dead prey. the poor fool can barely lift his head, and his arms quake from exhaustion.
macaque is more than happy to dispatch this interloper before the gathered spectators, and throws a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure reader is watching. he won't say it, but he can't help but think that if he had found the man before wukong, none of this would've been necessary. the human would already be dead for the crime of attempting to steal his wife away.
but, macaque supposes, a little show couldn't hurt, could it?
he raises his staff, and in a move almost too quick to see, swipes it under the comatose human to toss him into the air. the demon jumps after him, then smacks him to the dirt below.
the human that was once reader's fiance is little more than a bloody pile of broken bones and torn flesh on the ground.
macaque lands gracefully beside it, stands, then bows to the crowd.
the applause drowns out reader's little sob, though both her husbands hear it clearly. there are no tears that they can see, however, and they know it's more their darling peach's aversion to violence that makes her cry than any real attachment to the corpse before her.
she did her best to convince him to leave peacefully, wukong coos to her, holding her hand and nuzzling the side of her face.
it's not her fault that he foolishly chose his pride over his life.
macaque jumps up to where reader and wukong sit, grabbing reader's attention and her hand.
he reaffirms wukongs point, telling her that the man decided his own fate, which is more than what he deserved given the circumstances.
the dark-furred demon presses a gentle kiss to reader's hand, and she can feel his satisfied smirk against her skin.
ending b: the man, in perhaps his smartest move so far, mournfully flees for the beach.
reader sighs in relief. at least he was wise enough to take the out that was handed to him, she thinks. she looks to wukong and quietly thanks him for letting the man go.
wukong smiles gently at his wife. he laughs the situation off with a joke and urges her to banish it from her mind. with a kiss, he sends her back into the stone palace.
the monkey king's smile fades when his wife is out of sight. he looks out to the unending sea beyond the islands' sands. if he leaves it alone, that same sea will likely kill the interloper with no added effort on his part.
he's not content with that idea. so, wukong stands there for a long while, and watches as the boat and its treacherous passenger get further and further away.
the man's boat floats to the horizon before the monkey king whispers a command only his ever-listening brother can hear.
kill him.
the king sees the far-off speck dissapear beneath the waves into a dark, swirling portal.
with a grin, he banishes the whole affair from his mind, turning with a flourish to join his wife in their palace.
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